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Is it worth to include some Case data/statistics at the case summary page? What data can we show that would bring value? e.g. date of case created, last update, by who etc.

Is summary a proper place to have data such as Customer other products? It’s seems more like an applicant summary, should we have a separate section for such data? E.g. show it in applicant view?

AJK - We already have a display of the customer’s other products against the customer themselves:

….so you could argue that the “customer’s other products” section isn’t needed as it just duplicates this one. One to confirm in interviews maybe?

What do you think about quick actions ideas? Should they be accessible from Case level? Should we let brokers choose what they would like to have there? What kind of actions could it be? e.g. Notes, upload doc, diary entry?

What do you think about quick actions ideas?

I liked it as an idea so if the user arrived at a case then they could just bang on a note and only decide what product it was against when they were in the dialog.

Should they be accessible from Case level?

This is one of the things the “Timeline” tab was attempting to achieve.

Should we let brokers choose what they would like to have there?

This sounds like the sort of thing I would suggest and then get into trouble for introducing a load of complexity by making things configurable! 😃 I don’t think we need to let brokers choose until we’ve got feedback that suggests this would add value.

What kind of actions could it be?

Add a note, upload a file, create a diary entry. Those are probably a strong start.

Notes - currently notes are associated with an individual product or applicant. Does it make sense to create a note on a case?

We didn’t do this as there was a concern that it would be another place to look for a note you’d added. Cases were intentionally kept very light on content as they were a new concept introduced when we came over from Version 3. We could change that now if there was demand.

Additional note: Sometimes a note can refer to multiple products and there isn’t a clear way to do this in the CRM currently (other than copy & paste). The ability to indicate a note relates to multiple products has come up in the past.

Do we have any data on Products groups? What’s the average number of groups? What’s the average number of products in the offer for brokers?

How New Enquiry work? Are all brokers aware that it works as a product placeholder? Shouldn’t it always be visible in products list? Is it worth to rethink this solution?

How New Enquiry work?

It’s literally just another product. The system doesn’t realise (or care!) that it’s intended for new enquiries, it just thinks its a product the same as all the others.

Are all brokers aware that it works as a product placeholder?

That’s probably an interview question. I would assume this is covered in the training.

Shouldn’t it always be visible in products list?

I’m not really sure under what circumstances you wouldn’t want it to appear in the product list. If you had a broker who had a clear idea of what sort of product their customers wanted before entering it onto the CRM then they could just delete the “New Enquiry” product from their system and it wouldn’t appear.

Is it worth to rethink this solution?

Maybe if it’s confusing, but the problem we’ve found historically is that if you create a special sort of new lead product then a customer comes along and says they need a particular piece of functionality on their new leads that isn’t supported. So we added it and then it happens again etc etc until the “special” new lead product is exactly the same as a normal product and therefore you might as well use a normal product called “New Lead/Enquiry”. Worth considering.

What do you think about having a section dedicated to archived products that simplifies the current experience? Should “archive” be a stage, or a CTA?

Could do.

Should “archive” be a stage, or a CTA?

Should be a stage so it can trigger the generation of documents etc (all the usual stage stuff). Making it a stage also means we can use the usual stage permissions etc and moving things through stages is a familiar process to users.

You could have a separate CTA to do it (funnily enough protection products work a bit like this) but if you did that should probably just change the stage in the same way as a user just choosing a stage!

How does finova portal access work? When there are 3 products, and the applicant is only related with one product

Note: “Which portal do we want to support?” is a question that is going to product steering soon.

As enabling Burrow is at the applicant level then only tasks relevant to the product the applicant is on are sent to the Burrow portal e.g. if the applicant isn’t on “Mortgage 123” then no tasks are sent to their Burrow for “Mortgage 123”.

Are we able to allow brokers to craft their own "Add applicant" Page and let them choose questions relevant for them? Should we consider this?

Product view



What would be the most relevant things to show at the top of a product view along with the product stage? For instance Fact Find, Sourcing e.g?

An interview question I think. I’d only be guessing!

Grouping Panels - should brokers be able to create groups on their own? Or there should be sections visible for everyone, such as Diary, History or Notes, and there’s 1 big group for panels that they can show/hide (as currently)?

Or maybe if a broker wants to toggle on Notes, instead of a panel - it’s displayed as a tab

Do we know if there are panels that all brokers use? e.g. Application Details, Product Details etc. Any data on that?

Can we drag & drop panels to change order instead of updating this in settings? That could have lock/unlock experience same as on the dashboard

This would be good. I guess the only think that is difficult is the panels can be quite large so dragging a large panel over a scrolling page can be difficult. I’ve always dreamed that you’d be able to magically zoom the page out to allow you to drag the panels and then zoom back in when you’d finished automatically! That would be a lot of work I believe!

Can we allow brokers to add more custom panels? (Further Details currently, and only 1 panel available) Can we allow them to edit name of the custom panels?

This is a limitation currently but one that I’d really like to change. I’d like users to have the ability to create multiple custom panels (and rename them) as well as have the ability to add custom fields to the “fixed” panels.

Seems brokers like ability to choose if a panel is full width or single column. Should we imply some constraints on panels that doesn’t work well with single column? For instance tables, especially on smaller screens

You could do but there is an element of users controlling their own destiny here e.g. if a panel looks terrible when they make it

How does Sourcing exactly work? Can we show it in some other way than CTAs? as a panel for instance showing only sourcing options that broker can do (based on his integrations)

You could do. Part of one of the existing panels shows the sourcing results from previous sessions so it might be logical to put the option to launch a new sourcing session there? It would just be the same button in a different place though but I guess that’s ok?

Should we allow brokers to choose what applicant details they would like to see on the left hand nav or show just basic details for everyone? (for instance, some of them would like to see Middle name there)

Disclaimer: I always like making things configurable but this introduces complexity and overhead. I’d like to do what you suggest (and have had this on the radar since the middle name request popped up) but we probably need an idea of what different customers want before adding this.

How does adding an applicant on a product affects the product itself? What does it change?

What’s the relation between applicant in a product and fact find? If the applicant is deleted from a fact find, is he also removed from a product?

If you add an applicant to a product then a few things change. The most obvious is the system will recalculate the “required documents” to take into account the new applicant e.g. you need another proof of ID. The other things are less immediately visual such as when you produce a document that references the applicants then the new applicant will appear on there etc.

You can’t really delete an applicant from the fact find. If the fact find relates to a product the applicant is on then they’ll appear in the fact find.

When adding a product - what does “associate with product” do?

It creates a relationship between the products (the types of relationship are user-defined). This is used for a few things:

Just keeping track of the relationship! E.g. this life policy provides protection for this mortgage

Reporting. You can list all mortgages and their associated products for example. This lets you see the total commission for a mortgage and all its related products or lets you check that you haven’t got a mortgage where you’ve forgotten to put the life policy on-risk.

Somewhat related to the above. You can set a “stage prerequisite” that blocks movement through the workflow unless you have associated products in a defined set of states. Same principle, don’t let the adviser complete the mortgage unless they have discussed life cover with the customer.

There are probably more but I’d have to have more of a think!

In regards to individual features & panels - can brokers edit input fields or choose what data they want to capture, for instance while creating a new diary, or uploading a document - or it's ALWAYS defined by the system?

Edit panel layout in a product view. What are the rules and permissions?

We need more clarification on sourcing / illustrations