Dashboard Screens
Amend Description | Comment | Status | Reviewed | |
1 | CRM header.. ‘Create Case’ button - remove + icon |
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2 | Summary screen - Add Notes (button and panel) Further amends - add and view in model and save and read only to page panel |
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3 | Summary screen - Add footer for buttons |
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4 | Summary screen - Drawer (Applicant Details) - Remove the Edit button |
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5 | Summary screen - Drawer (All) - Move buttons to foot of the drawer Add ‘Close’ to read only drawers |
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6 | Summary screen - ‘Export’… what? - rename button label to ‘Export fact find’ |
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7 | Summary screen - ‘Start Fact Find’ button - rename to ‘Fill in fact find’ |
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8 | Summary screen - move ‘Export fact find’ & ‘Fill in fact find’ buttons to footer |
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9 | Summary screen - Remove ‘:' after 'Status’ label Also remove from Subset and Product |
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10 | Summary screen - Drawers (read only data) - Remove ‘:' after labels |
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11 | Summary screen - Remove notification regarding ‘added applicant’ Icons should match notification bar |
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12 | Summary Screen - Transpose the ‘questions answered’ column and the notification message column to help achieve the correct responsive layout in the mobile version. |
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13 | Summary Screen - change the ‘no entry’ icon for unlinking a product to an ‘unlink icon’ |
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14 | Summary Screen - Change notification heading for Missing Mandatory Data from ‘Warning’ to something more meaningful |
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15 | Summary Screen - super user - ‘Pages that ‘May’ and ‘Do Not’ need to be answered
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16 | Forms Screen - Show mandatory should be visible when notes panel is open |
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17 | Forms Screen - Show mandatory message shortened to ‘Show Mandatory Only’ Remove *Mandatory |
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18 | Forms Screen - Progress Bar on the top of panels should be replaced with a static full width rule - colour grad |
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19 | Forms Screen - Tick Button should be replaced with a text button ‘Mark this page as complete’ to the right of the other 2 buttons…(previous & next). |
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20 | Forms Screen - ‘Mark this page as complete’ button - show ‘Mark this page as incomplete’ variant Text for tooltip changed Add notification at top of all form pages to show status |
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21 | Forms Screen - ‘Save and close' button should be replaced with 'Save & Exit fact find’ |
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22 | Forms Screen - Add new button labelled ‘Save fact find’ Add details for ‘Saved’ + timestamp |
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23 | Forms Screen - super user - ‘Pages that ‘May’ and ‘Do Not’ need to be answered |
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24 | Forms Screen - ‘Add another source of income' change to remove word 'another’ |
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25 | Forms Screen - Drawer (All) - Move buttons to foot of the drawer |
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26 | Forms Screen - Add new icon for use when a form field in the Fact Find is pre-populated with data from a linked illustration and read only. Add tooltip |
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27 | Forms Screen - ‘Notes’ - remove date stamp |
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28 | Forms Screens - Realign multi-lined label text so that it hangs from the top line (not centred) |
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29 | Forms Screens - Remove ':' after form labels |
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30 | Forms Screen - range right labels (excluding mandatory indicator) |
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31 | Forms Screen - Add new navigation item in left nav under the heading of ‘Fact Find Summary’ labelled - ‘Page index’ that links to the summary page Update sidebar component and rename summary page subhead |
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32 | Forms Screen - Postcode lookup process |
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33 | Add missing functionality to header - System settings, edit user details, raise a ticket Help - support Portal, Notifications, Settings, Edit user details & logout - Remove avatar job title & and replace with name - add icon for user management |
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34 | Drawer top - White and change depth |
Device Screens
Amend Description | Comments | Status | Reviewed | |
1 | Mobile - Burger Menu - Width of menu to remain constant across all width variations and to appear on the screen - not slide |
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2 | Mobile - Burger Menu should not be the full screen width and the page should be covered by a tint that compels the user to interact with the burger menu only |
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3 | Mobile - Burger Menu increase text size of menu items |
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4 | Mobile - Reduce dominance of ‘Next’ & ‘Previous’ page buttons |
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5 | Mobile - Illustrate right hand drawer design for read only data & additional form input functionality (eg 'link to another product) |
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6 | Mobile - Summary page - left hand page listing - on screen sizes that don’t allow space for this navigation it is to be replaced. Remove the carousel UI pattern currently in the designs and replace with a left hand drawer which is activated from a CTA in the page footer labelled ‘Page Index’ | Note:
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7 | Mobile - Replace CTA’s in footer with Icons and labels |
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8 | Mobile/Tablet - Replace hover tooltips with click to view tooltip | Illustrated on form page (375px). Note:
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9 | Mobile/Tablet - Illustrate sticky footer nav - both condensed and expanded |
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10 | Mobile/Tablet - Illustrate confirmation ‘Modal’ in situ |
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11 | Mobile/Tablet - Illustrate ‘Search’ function in situ |
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12 | Mobile/Tablet - Illustrate 'Notes' panel in situ | 2 versions illustrated
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13 | Mobile/Tablet - Illustrate 'Export' modal |
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14 | Mobile - Wrap ‘Status’ & ‘Last…Update’ so all is visible without interaction |
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