
This guide will show you how to utilise a fact-find to obtain information about your client and the product you are processing for them. 


Ekeeper Fact-finds are a list of pages, which contain sections and questions. The questions can be anything you like from 'what is the applicants first name' to 'what is the valuation amount for the property to be mortgaged'.



You can add questions or change existing questions in any given fact-find structure via the System Settings menu.

Please see the Editing Fact-Find Structures guide for advice on how to change the content of your fact-find structures.


You can add questions or change existing questions in any given fact-find structure via the System Settings menu.

Please see the Editing Fact-Find Structures guide for advice on how to change the content of your fact-find structures.

Finding a case

To begin search for the product you wish to fill out the fact-find for.


To search for a product use the search box in the top of any page. Simply type the name of the client or the reference number for the product you are looking for,

Be sure to click the product reference number in the search results rather than the case reference number as this will take you straight to the case you are looking for.

Using an existing Fact Find

Next under the Application Details panel click the Enter Fact-Find button. 

Select the fact-find structure

You will then be given an option to select the fact-find structure you want to use for the current product. 

Select the fact-find structure you wish to use (see below)


You may have more than one fact-find structure available.


This option will appear when you have:

  • You have used the 'Enter New Case' option.

  • No other products against the case.

  • Other product on the case do not have a fact find against them

Copying an existing fact find

If you have another product on your case and you have already filled out the fact-find, you will see the previous answers listed:


Choosing the first option in the list 'Using 18/06/2018 09:24:03', will link this product to another products answers.

Therefore, this would mean any changes made to the fact-find after pressing continue, will also update and affect your other product as well as this one.

Note: the names of fact-find structures in your system may be different.

  1. Using 18/06/2018 09:24:03
    Choose this if you want to use the same answers as your other product. (Note making changes to this fact-find will overwrite the other case as well)

  2. Using Ekeeper - Fact-find
    This choose the Ekeeper fact-find and provides a blank set of questions for you to fill out.

  3. Using Insurance fact-find
    This is the same as the previous option, however this is a different fact-find structure and will contain a different set of questions.

  4. Copy an existing fact-find
    This copies the selected set of answers from another product on your case. (Note choosing this option does not link the fact-find answers, so changes made on this product will not affect any other products

Completing the fact find

Once you have made your choose, click continue.

You will now see a list of pages and sections for your chosen fact-find

Below is an example of a page and a list of sections within that page

Below is the applicants panel, Which lists the applicants that are associated with the product you are completion the fact-find for.

Click the button below if you want to make your fact-find available to your customers. (Portal Add-on required)

Below are some options to name your fact-find or change the fact-find structure you wish to use for this product (Note changing the fact-find structure will loose any answers you have already filled out)

The options below, allow you to show pages that are hidden, either because they are not required or may not be required

The options below show which products, on the current case, are linked to this fact-find. Use the hyper link at the bottom of the panel to link this fact-find to another product.

The options below allow you to start filling out your fact-find, print the fact-find (text only format) or return to the product page (finish).

To begin filling out the fact-find for your customer, you can either click the name of a page or section, or alternatively click start fact-find