Step 1 - Generate a search

In order to generate some labels we first need to build a search in Senro. The search provides us with a list of customers who fit a particular set of criteria. To create a search follow the below instructions:

You have now created a new search, that we will use in the later steps below to generate our labels with. 


Step 2 - Generating a Marketing template

From the menu bar click on Marketing, then hover over 'Marketing Templates' and click 'New Template' (figure 6)

Figure 6 - Navigation bar - Marketing Templates


In the Templates options panel

Figure 7 - New Marketing Template

Now click 'Create template'.

On the page that appears (figure 8), click 'Save & Exit' 

Figure 8 - Edit Marketing Template

 You have now created a marketing template, we will use this along with our search to generate a marketing campaign in the next step.

Step 3 - Generating a new campaign

From the menu bar, click hover over 'Marketing' and click 'new campaign' (figure 9)

Figure 9 - Marketing menu - New Campaign

You should now see the Create Campaign Screen (figure 10). From here there are a number of options, we need to fill in the minimum as follows:

Figure 10 - Create New Campaign

Next click generate campaign, followed by 'Create Campaign' in the bottom right of the screen that follows. You should then see a screen similar to the below (figure 11). 

Figure 11 - Campaign Details



Step 4 - Printing Labels

Now that you have created your campaign using your search and template, whilst still on the screen below, click 'Print Labels' under the Printing options section.

Figure 12 - Campaign Details

Follow your printer's instructions to print out your labels.