Create a New User

Create a New User



This guide will show you how to create and maintain new users in your CRM. In order for your staff members to have access to your CRM they must be setup as a user in the system.

Each user must also have a license assigned to them before they can access your eKeeper CRM. Please see the Maintain MortgageKeeper Licence guide for information on how to check you have enough licences.

If you would prefer to learn this in a video format please see the video below.

Permissions Needed: Add a New User

  • Can maintain users - permission 6

  • Can maintain license - permission 33

  • Can view relicense message - permission 119


Create User >> Then Assign Licence

Step 1:

Navigate to: System Settings >> Users

The first step in creating a new user for your system is to click on the Users option in the system settings.


Step 2:

After clicking on the Users option in the system settings it will take you to the User List. To create a new user from here you will need to click on the ‘New User’ button at the bottom of the screen.

Step 3:

Fill out the user’s details, the mandatory fields are highlighted below:




You can tick here if you already have an available licence, manage your licences from:

System Settings >> Maintain MortgageKeeper Licence

How to Assign Licence to a User (Maintain MortgageKeeper Licence)


If you need to request an additional licence - please email: broker.support@finova.tech

User Details Fields:

Click Below:

  • User ID* - This is the ID that your new user will use to login with

  • Forename* - This is the first name of the staff member you are setting up as a user

  • Surname* - This is the first name of the staff member you are setting up as a user

  • Password* - This is the password that the staff member will use to login with.

  • Confirm Password* - Please repeat the password above to show the system that you are not a robot!

  • IR Number - Your internal reference number

  • Active User* - Here you can check the user on as active or not. If the user is not active, then they will not be able to login to the system.

  • Letter Signature - Enter a salutation to end the staff member's letter with e.g. kind regards their name. This can be used later to populate correspondence, automatically.

  • Daytime Phone - The staff members daytime phone number

  • Evening Phone - The staff members evening phone number

  • Mobile Phone - The Staff members mobile number

  • Fax - The staff members fax line

  • Email* - The staff members email address. To ensure the automated password reset system works, this needs to be a unique address on the system.

  • Branch - The branch this staff member is associated with (Branch configuration required)

  • User Group* - This is the user permission group that this user is assigned to, note that this will determine what the user can see and do in the system. (Permissions are configurable by system administrators aka superusers)

  • User Team - This is the Team that the new user will be assigned to.

  • User Team Rota Order - This represents the lead order number for this user (requires lead handling functionality to be setup)

  • User Role - This determines, how the new user can be added to products i.e. as an adviser or as an administrator (or both)

  • Participant Link - Here you can link your new user to an existing participant, or a new participant.

  • Summary For User Default - The summary is the eKeeper CRM homepage. You can decide here who you want the new users view to default to.


Step 4:

Save User >> Send the Username & Password directly to your colleague.

They will be prompted to set a new password & security password upon first login.


Forgot Password?

  • Login Screen: ‘Forgotten Password’

  • Password Reset Process

  • Your super-users can reset any user’s password & check username from System Settings >> Users

Once you are happy with all of the settings click the ‘Save User’ button in the bottom left.


You will then be prompted by a message asking you to enter your password. This is just a check to confirm that you are the user currently logged in, you just need to enter your eKeeper password to confirm.


These guides run you through how to enable other features you might need for a new user:




  • SMS Status - Set this to yes if you would like your staff member to send text messages from your cases to your applicants.

  • Sender Details - The sender details are what the recipient of your message sees before they open the message on their mobile phones

  • SMS signature - Similar to an email signature, you can specify a salutation to end your messages with e.g. Kind Regards John Smith

  • SMS Billing Enquiry & SMS Messages Sent




The final panel is for you to choose if you want to associate specific users to automatically associate on cases with this new user. What this means is that if the user you have created is added as either an advisor or admin then the specified user is automatically added as the advisor or admin on the same product.


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