How to upload your retention data

How to upload your retention data


Obtaining the data from your finova CRM

  1. Navigate to reports

  2. Select mortgage product

  3. Select ‘Product Expiry Date’

  4. Then, set a date range from ‘Today’ to ‘6 Months Ahead’

  5. Navigate to search view options (bottom of the page) and select ‘Burrow Retention View’

  6. Run Report

  7. Click the ‘Select All’ option

  8. Check through the results and deselect any account your wish to remove

  9. Click on the ‘Send to Excel’ button

  10. Transfer the file securely to the Burrow team


Uploading the data into your Retention Portal

  1. Open the excel file, then save as CSV file format.

  2. Then they can go to https://reports.letsburrow.com

  3. And follow the screenshot steps


Can you do do this for me?

Yes, we would need your written approval to access your system in order to perform the above report. This can be done by the account holder sending an email to broker.support@finova.tech


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