Use Postcode Lookup for Address Fields within the Fact-Find


This guide will cover how you can create questions within the Fact-Find which utilise the Postcode Lookup feature, a convenient way to search, select & fill addresses.


Please ensure you have the following user permission turned-on against your user group:

Location: Home >> System Settings >> User Permission Groups & Set Permissions

Permission: Can setup Fact-Find structure

*click to view screenshots


Navigate to the following screen:

Home >> System Settings >> File-Find Structure(s)

Select a Page

Find the Page you’re looking for, then click: Sections & Questions


Select a Section

Find the section you would like your question to be part of, then click:

Add Question to "section name" Section


Create the Question Type - ‘Postcode Lookup’

When creating the question you need to pick a question type, select ‘Postcode Lookup’




Fact Find Question Types

  • Text Based Answer
    The question will just appear as a box into which you can type any text (or figures for calculator sections)

  • Single Checkbox
    The question will appear as a checkbox which can be ticked.

  • Dropdown List / Radio Group
    The question will appear as either a drop-down list of choices that the user can select or as a group of radio buttons.

  • Linked Dropdown List
    The question will be linked to an existing question either from within the Mortgage Application, a Category or an existing Fact Find question. The question type will be populated from the linked question and it's answer will be duplicated from the original.

  • No Answer - Informative Text
    The question will appear purely as text giving information to the user. The user will not be able to enter any value against this question. It can be used to supply additional information or prompts to the user.

Create the Question

Question text is for the question itself, sequence number is order the questions will appear in.


Map the Results to other Question in the fact find

By creating this question type you will get a Postcode Lookup search & select box. The chosen address needs a destination question to fill,

This means that once you have created your Postcode Lookup question, you’ll need to create or select a destination question.

Once an address has been selected it can either:

  • Map the result of the postcode lookup to a single address field (plus postcode)


  • Map the result of the postcode lookup to individual address fields (address line 1, address line 2 etc)


Finished Example