Maintain Permitted IP addresses

Maintain Permitted IP addresses

eKeeper CRM Knowledge Base

How to maintain permitted IP addresses?

What are permitted IP addresses?

Permitted IP addresses are the network addresses that user's are able access your eKeeper CRM from. So if somebody attempts to login to your system and their IP address is different from the the ones in the list (right), then they will be denied access to the CRM. 


A message appears at the top of our screenshot stating that the IP restriction has not yet been setup.

Adding an allowed IP address

To allow a new IP address to your list click the New Permitted IP Address button.

Next enter the IP address (including dots i.e. xx.xxx.xxx.xxx) followed by a description (i.e. a name for the IP Address) and once you are finished click the Save IP Address button to confirm. 

You have now successfully added an IP address to your IP allow list. 

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