Custom Fields

How to create a new Custom Field

Clicking on the Add a new custom field button will bring you to the editing page where you can:

  • Sequence No: Choose where the new field appears on the list
  • Category Description: Name of the new field
  • Prefix:
  • Data Type: Select the type of field, e.g. Dropdown list, text field or text box
  • Merge Name: Choose a merge field name, so that you can link to this field in your documents and email templates
  • Applies to Products: Select which products you wish your new field to appear on
  • Mappings: Here you can manage how your new field maps with third party sourcing tools such as TriGold.

Once you have created your new custom field, navigate to Products > Custom Fields, to apply your new custom field to specific products.

-Custom Fields

-Edit Custom Field