How to create a new Stage
To create a new stage click on the New Stage button. This brings you to the Add New Stage page. Here you can:
- Sequence Number: Choose the sequence order (where the stage appears on the list)
- Stage Text: Choose the name of the stage
- Stage Group: Select the group you wish the stage to belong to
- Icon:
- Icon Custom Value:
- Stage Type: Define the type of Stage
- Default Lead Time: If no lead time is recorded, the Default Lead Time Will be used. Only applies to Normal Stages and Lead Stages
- Completion Stage: This is the point when a product expiry date is calculated and the property address replaces the current address
- Commission Stage: If you wish to flag the incoming commission received as due to be received (using the lead time from the lender)
- Active Processing Stage: These stages are shown in the list of stages on the Business Summary. Products at an Active Processing Stage are shown as tabs against a case
- Show in Diary: Choose if you wish the stage to appear in the Diary
- Show Tick List: This determines how much tick list information is shown in the mortgage listings. Note this option is only available if you have tick list categories set up
- Don't Display: no tick list information is displayed in the mortgage listings
- Summary: A single icon summarising the tick list status is displayed in the mortgage listings
- Full: The status of each required tick list item is displayed in the mortgage listings
- Public Stage Heading: How the stage is named on the Portal
- Public Stage Description: Describe your stage for your Portal users
- Enable Applicants for Customer Login: Enabling this option automatically generates Portal login credentials for the applicants
- Applies to Products: Select the products you wish the stage to apply
Stage not showing in case?
Make sure the stage is applied against a product, using the Applies to Products panel
-New Stage