Adding reminders or diary entries
This article will show you how to access and create Diary Entries.
There are multiple ways to create a diary entry, each assigning it to different parts of your MortgageKeeper system; to the customer, to the stage, to the case, and to a user(s).
Adding a Diary Entry to a User
To do this, locate the Diary Entries Due tile found on your home page. On the top right of this tile, there will be a link for New Diary Entry. Click this, and a new window will open allowing you to create a diary entry. The location of this feature is shown in Figure 1, and an example of the Diary Entry pop-up is shown in Figure 2.
Figure 1 – New Diary Entry (User)
Figure 2 – Pop-up window
Adding a Diary Entry to a Case
To do this, locate the Diary Entries tile found around halfway down the Case Page. On the top right of this tile, there will be a link for New Diary Entry. Click this, and a new window will open allowing you to create a diary entry. The Diary Entries tile is shown in figure 3.
Figure 3 – New Diary Entry (Case)
Adding a Diary Entry to a Product
To do this, locate the Products & Fees tile found at the bottom left of the Case Page. Choose the Product you would like to put a diary entry against, and select Edit. In the Product Page, locate Diary Entries at the bottom left of your screen and select New Diary Entry in the top right of this tile. A new window will open, allowing you to create a diary entry. I have provided examples of both the Product & Fees tile and the Diary Entries tile located within.
Figure 4 – Products & Fees
Figure 5 – New Diary Entry (Product)
Adding a Diary Entry to an Applicant
To do this, open the Case the client is assigned against and select their name from the Applicant tile on the top left or right of the page. This will open a new window with a more detailed profile for the applicant; from here, select Diary Entries from the row of tabs across the bottom. This will open the Diary Entries tile, from which you can select New Diary Entry from the top right.
Figure 6 – Applicant Tile
Figure 7 – Applicant Profile and Diary Entries