Company Branches
Company Branches
View and Edit Company Branch Records:-
- Click on Management on the top navigation bar.
- Click Company Branches, under 'Companies' on the lower navigation bar.
This table displays all active Company Branches. Each company branch record stores information relating to branches and staff associated to the record.
Edit a Company Branch
Owner Companies - Link Company
Branches cannot be owned more than 100%. This section is important for 'Commission' Management. A commission is owned by a branch, and the commission distributed to companies based on their percentage ownership of the branch.
The company ownership will determine the company commission splits at the time a fee expectation is created.
Business Channels - Link Channels
- Edit the appropriate Company Branch
- Click on Link Channel for the below pop up
Company Branch Staff tab
- Click on the Staff tab to view the staff members that belong to a particular Company Branch
Each Branch can submit business through one or many business channels. The branch must be associated to the channel before creating the application.
Effective date willdetermine the available channels at the time a new application is created.
Refer to the userguideson Company Details and Company Staff for more information.