We’ll use this space to list and summarise actions based on In-depth Interviews, Research and Design Reviews.
Task | Status | Priority | Assigned | Description | Comments | ||||||
Progess bar |
| Agree metics for defining '% completion' | 💬 | ||||||||
Progess bar |
| Show workflow for when 'ready for sourcing' | 💬 | ||||||||
Progress bar |
| 1 - high | Hide from UI designs | ||||||||
Tool tips |
| Add/illustrate how tool tips work | |||||||||
Add applicants - summary |
| Show workflow and wfs on how a user would add an applicant from the fact find summary | |||||||||
Add applicants - fact find |
| Show workflow and wfs on how a user would add an applicant from the fact find applicants page. How does this impact other fact find pages which rely on the number of applicants | |||||||||
Define standing data for revised workflow |
| 3 - low | Understand requirements for the new UJ Asking general questions → Product → Fact Find → Amend Product if needed. | 💬 | |||||||
Right Left-aligned labels |
| Confirm this is the approved UI | 💬 | ||||||||
Fact Find catagories |
| Consider splitting Fact Find Pages into sections on the main nav. ie Core questions, residential mortgae questions, equity release questions | 💬 | ||||||||
Section notes |
| Consider as part of the standing data a section for taking notes in each section | |||||||||
Ability to copy data across |
| consider where this adds value | 💬 | ||||||||
Standing data |
| Need to agree standing data set (templates) that come out of the box that follow this workflow: | 💬 | ||||||||
Criteria search |
| Can we integrate with Knowledge bank for criteria search? | 💬 | ||||||||
Affordability checks |
| can we integrate Brokersense (or other) for affordability checks? | 💬 | ||||||||
Move 'Add Fact Find' |
| Currently the fact find sits in the product tab – should, as a quick fix, move this to the case summary tab? | 💬 | ||||||||
Customer portal |
| This should be consistent with the new FF. Is this in scope ? | 💬 | ||||||||
Multiple document upload |
| is there a requirement to upload documents in the broker Fact find? | |||||||||
Drag and drop |
| is there a requirement to upload documents in the broker Fact find? | 💬 | ||||||||
User support |
| To help adoption of new UI and reduce support calls – should we include links in the new UI to help guides/byte size videos ? | |||||||||
Customer Vulnerability |
| Add vulnerability - yes/no. if yes, add comment box to allow broker to fill in details | |||||||||
Customer Vulnerability |
| Can we have an agreed set of criteria that should a customer meet that it autoflags in the system that they are vulnerable. This criteria can be customised by the broker firm | |||||||||
Customer Vulnerability |
| Flags could include visual indicators on customer profile. Warning pop banners when a user opens a case/factfind etc | |||||||||
Customer Vulnerability |
| This needs a lot of consideration. Guidelines are 'fluffy' 4 key areas. Health, financial etc. need to consider what comes out of the box | |||||||||
Customer Vulnerability |
| Add hover over interaction to the warning symbiol - informing detail of vulnerability | |||||||||
Customer Duty |
| Need to arrange education on Customer Duty and what it is. | |||||||||
CRM Brand customisation |
| Need to agree if this is a requirement or not | 💬 | ||||||||
Custom Fields |
| Requirement to add multiple custome fields - Alan to confirm | |||||||||
Testing |
| Need to arrange customer testing of prototype | 💬 | ||||||||
Testing |
| Agree metrics for success | |||||||||
Testing |
| Agree analytci tools for CRM | |||||||||
Applicant name |
| Applicant name | |||||||||
Budget Planner |
| include ONS Data integration | 💬 | ||||||||
Property purchase |
| add hometrack integration to property purchase UI | 💬 | ||||||||
Submit Fact Find |
| We need to reconsider CTAs labeling | 💬 | ||||||||
Submit Fact Find |
| Clear visual statement if the Fact find has been completed and by who (poss. Across header?) | |||||||||
AML and PEP checks |
| Are these a requirement? are they in scope | 💬 | ||||||||
Adding additional data |
| need to show how the UI will work when broker adds dependencies or adds additional liabilities | 💬 | ||||||||
Add promotional banner |
| Add poromotion banner to the log in page | |||||||||
Super user menu |
| Add super user menu to the fact find summary page - includes 'change fact find' and 'view editable questions' toggle | |||||||||
Labelling of subsets |
| Main challenge is brokers dont use subsets. Is it an education? will better labelling help? | 💬 | ||||||||
Agree standard data set out of the box |
| Single set of qs that dynamically update fact find based on products selected. Inc all subsets | |||||||||
Dependants |
| Dont use full DOB companent. Brokers use year of birth for minors to comply with GDPR | |||||||||
Hometrack |
| Broker suggested adding this to customer portal as well. | |||||||||
Autosave |
| Scenario - what if broker accedently deletes some data (eg name, DOB). How do they recover it. | |||||||||
System messages |
| Add 'dont show me this again' feature to system messages on login screen | |||||||||
System messages |
| Add warning message panel to summary/fact find pages | |||||||||
New applicant |
| Need to agree on how do we add applicants from FF Summary, during filling FF, and how do we view/edit applicant details | 💬 | ||||||||
Products |
| Add ability to remove products | |||||||||
Fact Find name |
| Add ability to change FF name | |||||||||
Sources of income |
| Table with sources of income, and adding a source of income flow | |||||||||
Budget Planner |
| Add a postcode input field, so that a user can import the data from a specific area | |||||||||
Fact Find Structure |
| Can applicant data be stored against the applicant profile. Needs discovery/testing | |||||||||
Lock Page feature |
| Brokers still need ability to 'lock' or mark a page as 'completed'. This needs reflecting on the pages menu | 💬 | ||||||||
Unlinking applicants |
| Whats the workflow when you unlink/remove applicant | 💬 | ||||||||
Applicants treatment |
| What happens in the background when a broker adds an applicant during a FF Process? | 💬 | ||||||||
System messages |
| Once we agree how linking/removing applicants work, we need to update system messages in warning modals | 💬 | ||||||||
Forms |
| Design all forms based on Auto Layout - as soon as we agree on label alignment | |||||||||
Design file |
| Clean the Design file and separate static designs pages from a prototype flow | |||||||||
Prototype |
| Prepare both FF Summary and Forms prototypes for the Interviews | |||||||||
Fact Find Summary |
| Validate if brokers need to see "Show all possible questions" filter | 💬 | ||||||||
Spelling |
| Check spelling of 'available' | |||||||||
Quick key commands |
| Can brokers use browser quick key commands such as ALT FIND to locate content ? | |||||||||
Accessibility |
| After wrapping up this stage, go through all designs again and make sure everything is accessible | 💬 | ||||||||
Request Broker Fact Finds |
| Should we request copies of broker fact find so we can get an idea of the size/structure/questions? | |||||||||
Budget Planner calculations |
| Ability for brokers to add functionality to build simple calculation tools and provide sub totals for grouped data. Eg Add up all credit commitments and summerise the total commitment | |||||||||
Timestamped Notes |
| Some open fact finds could possibly be years old and contain misleading time sensitive comments. Customer asked if they could be timestamped. | |||||||||
Creating new applicants |
| When adding a new customer it should check the brokers customer database for matching so as to avoid creating duplicate records | |||||||||
Budget Planner ONS feed |
| add ability to copy ONS data to the submission fields | |||||||||
Budget Planner ONS feed |
| Include regional option | |||||||||
Multiple applicants |
| Ability to change/choose main applicant | |||||||||
Multiple applicants |
| Make better use of real estate to fit two applicants. Improve labelling when scrolling multiple applicants | |||||||||
Multiple Applicants - source of income |
| Need to show how multiple applicants works of source of income table | |||||||||
Multiple Applicants - source of income |
| Need to show how multiple applicants works of budget planner table | |||||||||
Fact find structure |
| IF FF pages are associated with applicants and by product then should we show this in the side nav? ir create sub structure labeling - Applicants, mortgage, buy 2 let | |||||||||