How do access or locate a case?
From the Dashboard - do you use Business Summary tab?
What works/what doesnt/What data is missing?
Would having a designated ‘Cases’ section on the top nav help?
What would you expect to see in that section?
How do you create a new case? What steps do you follow?
What minimum details do you require? What typical data do you capture on initial engagement?
How could this process be improved?
Could you describe to me your understanding of what ‘case’ means to you and your business?
How does your business use ‘cases’? eg is it a case per application? or case per applicants and you store historical products ?
What format do you use for labelling the Case reference? Is the default numbering useful?
Thoughts on presentation of applicant info? Adding an applicant? Typical number of applicants?
Is it clear how applicants and products are added, assigned and managed?
What are your key tasks and goals in Case view?
What are your biggest frustrations in Case view
What actions do you perform the most often (top 3?), and you would like to have quick access to them?
Do you use Case Summary view (why, why not), or you go straight into products?
What informations would you like to see in Case Summary view? For instance, date the case was created, last update etc.
Bottom nav bar
Are the nav options clear/obvious
Anything missing? Not required?
Case Timeline
Do you use Timeline tabs? if so, what for?
Do you use Quote(s) tabs?