Case Interview Questions
Ok to record session?
What we are doing and why
Interview is in three parts.
First part - provide a preview of the new Fact Find UI. We would love your thoughts and ideas on what we have proposed.
Second part - we would like to understand how you use the ‘Case’ section on the CRM, what your pain points are and what ideas you have
Third part - we have put together some initial concept ideas for restructuring the Case UI. They are lo-fidelity, which means they are basic in design. We would love your thoughts and ideas on what we have proposed.
First Part
Fact Find UI Walkthrough
Give a walkthrough of the Fact Find UI
Ask for high level feedback
Second Part
How brokers use the CRM
Initial questions
Product/services you provide? Area you specialise in?
AR/DR - which network?
Size of firm/licences?
Brokers working with Admins? Your roles?
Relatively new to Broker CRM? How long have you been using it?
Why did you choose the finova Broker CRM?
What are your immediate thoughts?
Whats been the biggest challenge?
Broker workflow
How do you work? Share screen?
How do access or locate a case?
From the Dashboard - do you use Business Summary tab?
What works/what doesn't / What data is missing?
Would having a designated ‘Cases’ section on the top nav help?
What would you expect to see in that section?
Creating a Case
How do you create a new case? What steps do you follow?
What minimum details do you require? What typical data do you capture on initial engagement?
How could this process be improved?
Case UI
Could you describe to me your understanding of what ‘case’ means to you and your business?
How does your business use ‘cases’? eg is it a case per application? or case per applicants and you store historical products ?
What format do you use for labelling the Case reference? Is the default numbering useful?
Thoughts on presentation of applicant info? Adding an applicant? Typical number of applicants?
Is it clear how applicants and products are added, assigned and managed?
What are your key tasks and goals in Case view?
What are your biggest frustrations in Case view
What actions do you perform the most often (top 3?), and you would like to have quick access to them?
Case Summary
Do you use Case Summary view (why, why not), or you go straight into products?
What informations would you like to see in Case Summary view? For instance, date the case was created, last update etc.
Bottom nav bar
Are the nav options clear/obvious
Anything missing? Not required?
Case Timeline
Do you use Timeline tabs? if so, what for?
Do you use Quote(s) tabs?
How would you exploit left hand nav? e.g. tabs with products, bigger sections such as Documents
In product view, what’s most important for you to see at the very top?
Quick links - What actions do you perform the most often, and you would like to have quick access to them?
Do you think applicants panels should be always visible? For example when you are in a product view, do you still want to see big applicants panels? How often?
In terms of products view - what's more important to identify the product? Product type or product reference (e.g. street name, ref numbers currently)
Do you consider any panels as redundant? Why?
Which panels are hard to use and understand? Why?
Does anything come to your mind that could be improved / changed to improve your experience?
General questions
What would be the best solution for a situation when you create a case and you don't know what product to assign? Is adding a "New Enquiry" a good solution? Do you use it?
Would “global” notes feature be useful for you?
desktop vs mobile - for creating and managing cases?
Third Part
Showing the prototype
Creating a case wizard
Would this be helpful - would you use it?
Would you want control to switch it on and off?
Would help content help?
What info would you want to capture?
Would you add products?
Case Summary
Typical number of applicants and products? worse case?
Left hand nav
Missing any content?
Main content panel
Missing content or actions?
Which view is more legible for you? Blocks (e.g. applicants) or table? (e.g. current product)
Product view
What do you think about separating and grouping some panels instead of showing them all at one page? Or you prefer to have everything on one page, and have links that will scroll to the relevant panel (show 2 screens).
Would you like to be able to define your own groups with panels?
Ask about the idea of UI changing based on the current stage and showing relevant data
Documents - Do you prefer to have separated panels (Attached Files, Documents History, Supporting Documents etc) or one combined dedicated to all documents and files?
History - Same as above