Title: Kanban board discovery
Session Date: 20/11/2024
Duration: 1 hour
Present (Finova): MO, MC
Present (Perenna): Amy Husband, Martin Palin
Recording: https://dprconsultingltd-my.sharepoint.com/personal/matt_oxley_dpr_co_uk/_layouts/15/stream.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2Fmatt%5Foxley%5Fdpr%5Fco%5Fuk%2FDocuments%2FRecordings%2FKanban%20review%20%2D%20Perenna%2D20241120%5F140316%2DMeeting%20Recording%2Emp4&referrer=StreamWebApp%2EWeb&referrerScenario=AddressBarCopied%2Eview%2E7bf6ff12%2D9596%2D4680%2D997f%2D614442993c7c
Amy - operations manager
responsible for underwriting originations, completions and also the service and aspects which come after post completion
Martin - role is quite broad
I'm helping to underwrite the cases, move them forward and deal with both pre FMA and post offer queries.
Kanban concept
Good overall view but missing operations board (can't see how many cases in progress, documents to process, what's outstanding outstanding). New concept to us for this process
Post Offer – large volume column... expiry date (post offer date + time in column) when moved to a different column and back do not reset counter otherwise it give a false reading
Fund to be released -
RAG status colouration
not used, not seen working on the system
Sub statuses in columns
played Played around with them, renamed them, updated the checklists so they made sense. Probably more useful to reporting than everyday case progress tasks. Zoom in concept?.... for us not much value – might be useful in the DIP referral column where requests for more information is made and these fall outside of SLA.
Card structure and content
Missing content – expiry date, offer valid until date, broker contact details and completion date in funds to be released column
Summary view of card with limited information
Yes useful as don't require all the information on the card initially. Enough to identify the case and know what task require doing on it.
2 x screens setup – laptop + 32 inch widescreen
Difficult with resolution to work solely on laptop
Status notes
Needed for case history where status is manually changed - but rarely used
View diary
Used on daily basis because we have no task management because of the system setup
We do a broker request and then create a diary entry to set a reminder to chase – only way we can do pipeline management
So important that the Kanban board shows visibility of these diary entry events
Add overdue diary tasks
Case assignment
Only use to assign when someone ill – Rarely used by us
View all to see everyone's cards
Useful to know what has been assigned to who...yes but this is not as we usually work and different people pick up on different days.
Notifications of event –
move column, someone instructs something – no
If valuation received then potentially yes
New + (new applications)
Shown on personal board view (eg underwriter) not shown on All view – better to be shown on all for collaboratively working teams
No reason to allocate out
Click produces popup – Assigned applications where we just want to see new cases and assign them
New application waiting to be assigned... better for user to self-assign here.
Need clear identification between new FMA and DIP
So new at top of DIP referral column as well