

Title: Kanban board discovery 
Session Date: 20/11/2024 
Duration: 1 hour 
Present (Finova): MO, MC 
Present (Perenna): Amy Husband, Martin Palin 
Recording: https://dprconsultingltd-my.sharepoint.com/personal/matt_oxley_dpr_co_uk/_layouts/15/stream.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2Fmatt%5Foxley%5Fdpr%5Fco%5Fuk%2FDocuments%2FRecordings%2FKanban%20review%20%2D%20Perenna%2D20241120%5F140316%2DMeeting%20Recording%2Emp4&referrer=StreamWebApp%2EWeb&referrerScenario=AddressBarCopied%2Eview%2E7bf6ff12%2D9596%2D4680%2D997f%2D614442993c7c



  • Amy - operations manager 
    responsible for underwriting originations, completions and also the service and aspects which come after post completion 

  • Martin - role is quite broad 
    I'm helping to underwrite the cases, move them forward and deal with both pre FMA and post offer queries. 


Kanban Case Mangement use (User walkthrough) 

  • Specialist 

  • All-round task users 

  • amalgamated a few roles within the system- benefit is fluid with how we're processing them, because the person who is underwriting them may well be processing the cost. 

  • Columns 

    • DIP referral 

    • Underwriting and valuations 

    • Preparing offer 

    • Post offer 

    • Funds to be released 

  • Dips fall into the dip referred queue (column 1) 

  • View for column usually set to all so we can see everything that's in there because we're currently not working on hundreds and hundreds of volume 

  • We look at our dips and decide whether they're going to progress and then move them to either accept or decline and that pushes it back to the broker from a dip referral point of view 

  • Underwriting and valuation – once broker submitted is going to sit under team leader – suggest addition of a notification for this as this currently has to be manually checked (several times a day) and therefore visibility is limited to users. Easy to miss an application waiting to be worked on 

  • We would love to see auto-allocation functionality - just ping it to the next person who's got availability and then they can kind of work that case. Once you've allocated it out, you normally get the bubble with new at the top, and then whoever's working it pull that, pull that application down. 

  • amalgamated the underwriting and valuation columns – because having everything together before you instruct the valuation is a bit old fashioned. In reality, now people like your auto instruct files on receipt. So this column almost works as a packaging section – so have we got everything to move to offer, This has resulted in a longer list of checklist items at the bottom 

  • Once  we've reviewed everything, then it automatically will move to the prepare an offer stage and then into post offer queue 

Columns needed to be renamed to reflect the process view from a case manager, underwriter, data reviewer and broker perspective 


Kanban concept 
Good overall view but missing operations board (can't see how many cases in progress, documents to process, what's outstanding). New concept to us for this process 

Useful summary about what is where in the process but almost needs the WIP status detail on a supporting page 


Do users work by tasks? 
things that need to get done in the day – so more of a task management. - YES but we don't have task management because that is tied in Apprivo to individual case managers and the way we work its not the same person in the team working on a case all the way through. 


Kanban likes and dislikes 

  • Handy to be able to configure column content  

  • Filters or order columns to get priority items at the top portion of the column. 


Global / Local user filtering? 

Ordering and filtering would vary depending on the column eg underwriting (outstanding documentation), Diary entries only view... used as almost the next thing to do (task list). Also some data missing eg on Post offer column an expiry date would be useful and then order by those. You want the newest cases pre offer and the oldest cases post offer. 
funds to be released – by Completion date, so the one that's completing the soonest at the top and the one that's completing. With system with large volumes it would be good to filter by a week or day view. Dip Journey column – some kind of ordering based on SLA – when 1-2 working days from going outside SLA – so date order. Maybe separate list for applications where a request to the broker has been made and this will fall outside of SLA – in which case oldest or newest at the top.  

Filters for:  
Underwriting and valuations – anticipated legal completion date would be great. Otherwise it's essentially a SLA based column. Also filter by open tasks. Sort most recent at top. Sorting by application number is not useful for this column 

Preparing offers – low volume column... primary use 4-eyes and we don’t use the column 

Post Offer – large volume column... expiry date (post offer date + time in column) when moved to a different column and back do not reset counter otherwise it give a false reading  


RAG status colouration 
not used, not seen working on the system 

Manual colour coding  
we use this to identify application product types as they have different requirements / treatments – But Kanban could do this automatically better. Also we like to highlight applications where we have concerns. 


In a scenario when the user is looking for a case they can use the main search function to find the name... but then can't work on this result... need to go find it in the Kanban board. Maybe a good idea to have a dedicated Kanban search function. 


Sub statuses in columns 
Played around with them, renamed them, updated the checklists so they made sense. Probably more useful to reporting than everyday case progress tasks. Zoom in concept?.... for us not much value – might be useful in the DIP referral column where requests for more information is made and these fall outside of SLA. 


Card structure and content 
Missing content – expiry date, offer valid until date, broker contact details and completion date in funds to be released column 


Summary view of card with limited information 
Yes useful as don't require all the information on the card initially. Enough to identify the case and know what task require doing on it. 

Counter notification on top of card is not ideal... need to inform the user better what this is 

Key details – depends on stages 

  • Address not required 

  • Loan amount not required until the completion column 

  • Broker information important in underwriting / valuation column 

  • Outstanding tasks on the application in underwriting / valuation column 

  • What needs to be actioned next in underwriting / valuation column 

  • Age of application overall in underwriting / valuation column 

  • Date when document was attached to drive workflow 

  • Task list (tickboxes) attached to the card – all or just those outstanding 

    • Yes could streamline the list of tickboxes... some are completed, some are irrelivant (eg valid product, automated credit check) 

    • Just show outstanding 


Click card to get popup presentation / content 
Not a fan of workflow – prefer task based workflow – odd sitting on kanban and not visible that it is outstanding – feels like an afterthought 


3 little dots (contextual menu) 

  • Useful as no other way to do certain things 

  • Sometimes too easy to do and eg (user puts note on wring note) - perhaps note window needs header to house case number. Would be good to be able to mark a note as important 

  • View application (dashboard) – opens new tabs.... frustrating because too many tabs. Would be better to open in place on the page 


2 x screens setup – laptop + 32 inch widescreen 
Difficult with resolution to work solely on laptop 


Status notes 
Needed for case history where status is manually changed - but rarely used 


View diary 
Used on daily basis because we have no task management because of the system setup 
We do a broker request and then create a diary entry to set a reminder to chase – only way we can do pipeline management 
So important that the Kanban board shows visibility of these diary entry events 
Add overdue diary tasks 


Case assignment 
Only use to assign when someone ill – Rarely used by us 


View all to see everyone's cards 
Useful to know what has been assigned to who...yes but this is not as we usually work and different people pick up on different days. 


Notifications of event
move column, someone instructs something – no 
If valuation received then potentially yes 


New + (new applications) 
Shown on personal board view (eg underwriter) not shown on All view – better to be shown on all for collaboratively working teams 
No reason to allocate out 
Click produces popup – Assigned applications where we just want to see new cases and assign them 

New application waiting to be assigned... better for user to self-assign here. 
Need clear identification between new FMA and DIP 
So new at top of DIP referral column as well  



  • Broker tasks 

  • My Tasks 

This is still useful but can we add some dates 



  • Visibility of presence in the team – Who has the case open – prevents duplication. 
    Don't lock file, just inform who is working on the case. 

  • Overview document stats to help operationally 

    • How many documents outstanding 

    • How many cases outstaning 

    • Cases in pipeline and stage 

    • Number at top of column or dashboard view 

    • Operations hub doesn't give this information – no totals 


Number one request change 

  • Sort and filter the Kanban by meaningful defined metrics 


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