Title: Kanban board discovery
Session Date: 22/11/2024
Duration: 1 hour
Present (Finova): MO
Present (Aviva): John Venes, James Bullett Smyth
Recording: https://dprconsultingltd-my.sharepoint.com/personal/matt_oxley_dpr_co_uk/_layouts/15/stream.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2Fmatt%5Foxley%5Fdpr%5Fco%5Fuk%2FDocuments%2FRecordings%2FKanban%20review%20%2D%20Aviva%2D20241122%5F150159%2DMeeting%20Recording%2Emp4&referrer=StreamWebApp%2EWeb&referrerScenario=AddressBarCopied%2Eview%2Edfe5f64c%2D95c5%2D4a74%2Dbc68%2D0e772e6134d5
John Venes,
Responsibility – On project team, using Kanban to rectify issues, check accounts when things go wrongJames Bullett Smyth
Responsibility – On the business team, using kanban from underwriter perspective in evaluation stage. And in team dealing with new business completions and getting those into funds released
Kanban Case Mangement use (User walkthrough)
Illustration referred
Application received
Kanban concept
Yes concept is liked... but more columns
Ticket allocating frustration – permissions
Nice having it all in 1 place
Our process
Split into 3
New business
Existing business (additional borrowing)
Existing business (drawdowns)
Each has a different team
Frustrating to have this all on a single Kanban
Nice to be able to have top level filter to change view by the 3 different teams (product types)
So what looking for when starting the day?
New business – looking at valuation that have been returned – so go through all the cards and change the card colour to create a to do list and then work through those. we also individually check for anything in our assigned list that’s needs actioning urgently... anything that has come off hold or any tasks that the system has generated
Notifications of event
Yes notifications of document upload through task but no notification to valuation returns.. manual check. Nice to be automated
Card volume
Yes each column has lots of cards in the column... especially completions
Kanban likes and dislikes
Need ability to order cards – application number does not work
Need to order column by drawdown date
Sorting by dates / status
Zoom card concept to manage sub statuses
Team members are multi skilled – so some have primary and secondary roles
But in some scenarios some roles only need to see for instance – Apply, underwriting and completion columns
Sub statuses in columns
Filter by sub statuses
Filters for:
Different for each column – yes definitely
New business – Underwriting date report returned, completions by when funds released (2 working days in advance) - so sort by completion date
'Illustration referred' – date submitted, 'application received' so date application submitted
Used browser search – useful? better?... have to do this
Dedicated search button not needed
Main search OK for other purposes
View all to see everyone's cards
Filter by name – not drop down in Aviva version instead smart type
RAG status colouration
Feature not used
Potentially might use if we could
Eg on drawdown or on completion at milestone date
Manual colour coding
Yes used – for days of week in completions
Nice to automate, but in some instances manually applied
Nice to filter by colour
Team agree use and meaning of colour as working practice
Label colours would be good – different for different teams
Checkboxes on card
Yes like it as is
Case ownership
Good that everyone can access a case in terms of illness
Allocation usually sufficient through external spreadsheets and working practices
Opening case applications opening in new tabs
OK nice to have the kanban and application dashboard on different tabs
2 x screen setup
Card structure and content
Existing business … add content original lifetime mortgage number
Summary view of card with limited information
Hmmm maybe... nice to understand if something has changed
Tasks (bubble)
For existing business – sometime we have to assign the task to us before we can complete it
For new business – work well in case handler column
The 2 numbers in the bubble useful?... not really answered
3 little dots (contextual menu)
Yes works well
Status notes
Useful... some of it not relevant to some areas
Application notes
Not used
Is used on additional borrowing – not sure what for... only 1 week into use
Case assignment
Assign it to yourself, or someone else if permissions
Request documentation/information (create task)
Yes all working OK
New + (new applications)
On applications received – accept case into your queue
Have to accept twice... first in operation hub?... duplication
Once accepted would be good to highlight those added
Accept all in single action?
Number one request change
Colour coding
Sorting and filtering
Not asked
Click card to get popup presentation / content
Do users work by tasks?
View diary
Global / Local user filtering?