Handover Document
  • Done
  • Handover Document


    1. Passwords 

    2. Documentation

    3. Assets

    4. Design System 

    5. Projects 

    6. Final notes 

    👉 1. Passwords

    Login details to all source pages, files and apps we’ve used for over 2 years.





    Zeplin (legacy Burrow Designs) 




    InVision (prototypes) 




    Finova Design System 




    Font Awesome 




    iStock account 




    CRM Testing account 




    Gumroad (Ant DS) Matt’s O login 








    👉 2. Documentation

    Links to all documents and source files we worked on.



    Burrow Documentation


    Burrow Retention CTA Research Documentation 


    Burrow Portal Research Documentation 


    Burrow Portal Status Update Research Documentation 


    Burrow Portal Biometric ID Verification Research Documentation 


    Burrow Portal Open Banking Research Documentation 


    Burrow Portal Messaging Research Documentation 


    Burrow Videos 


    Burrow Onboarding Analysis Research Documentation 


    Burrow Comments/Notes Feature Research Documentation 


    Burrow Audit 


    Burrow Retention Research Documentation 


    Apprivo Documentation


    Apprivo Client Portal UX/UI Audit 


    CRM Documentation


    CRM Fact Find Redesign notes 


    CRM Design Improvements notes 


    CRM Forms research & Guidelines


    Fact Find Documentation


    Product Panels walk-throughs



    Product Design Interviews notes (for PD role) 


    Figma guidance videos


    👉 3. Assets

    All assets are located across Sharepoint, Onedrive and others.







    Final Video, Previous versions, Source files

    Intermediary Manager

    IM Video 

    Final Video, Previous versions, Source files

    Mortgage & Savings App


    Final Video, Previous versions, Source files


    Product Videos

    Legacy Sketch Design Files


    Burrow Design

    👉 4. Design System

    We recommend remaining the Design System version as is. Upgrading to a newer version would mean manual design work estimated at 4 weeks. There are no clear prons on the dev side either, as we’re not using React.

    Design system principles should be dictated by default Ant Design specs https://ant.design/docs/spec/introduce as well as our internal agreements to the grid system and breakpoints https://www.figma.com/file/DFnVjRuzNa1oo8Dtkm2Hsw/00-%F0%9F%8E%A8-Design-System?node-id=2%3A0&t=1Ns74L4Qagpx2QIi-1

    We also gathered some best practices and guides on how to develop future Finova Design System:

    A. Replacing icons in the Design System

    Every time you intend to use a component from the Design System that we haven’t used in the FF Summary or FF Forms there’s a big chance that the component is still linked to the Ant DS Icons. It is because we have updated icons and components used ONLY in the FF designs.

    So before you use the component:

    1. Check every icon that is used within the component

    2. To do it, simply select an icon, and “Go to the main component”. If the main component is still Ant Design, it means it has to be replaced.

    3. Find the corresponding icon from in the font awesome library

    4. Update the main component with a font awesome icon (video tutorial)

    5. Move the updated component to Font Awesome icons artboard, and leave the old one (detached from the component) in Ant Icons artboard for reference

    6. Make sure that it worked properly and that the icon has been replaced in the components

    B. Adding new icons to the Design System

    If you want to add a new icon to the DS

    1. Make sure that the icon you want to introduce has no equivalent in Ant DS icons. Keep in mind that it might be using a different name than you would expect, therefore look for it “visually” rather than by searching by name

    2. Find the icon you want to add to the DS in your local file

    3. Drag it into Figma

    4. Place it into a 24x24 px frame, and adjust the size of the icon so it’s aligned with all other icons

    5. Name the frame using the same structure as all other icons - so that’s gonna be e.g. Icon / Outlined / Delete. If the icon is filled, you obviously change Outlined to fill, so everything is logically structured

    6. Make sure the shape inside the frame is named “Vector”. It has to be the same for all icons, and it has to be only one layer. Make sure that the vector Constraints are Scale for both height and width

    7. Apply the colour from the design system, I’ve used Finova Neutral 700 for all icons

    8. Create component

    All the conditions above must be met in order to be able to switch properties within other components and keep the structure clean

    C. Maintaining icons in the DS

    As updating icons across the DS is gonna take some time, I’ve decided to keep 2 artboards on the Icons page.

    Ant icons:

    Every icon that has been replaced was taken from the Ant artboard. Icons with a green mark on top mean that these icons have been replaced, and they are no longer components, but just legacy icons to preview. That means that the main component is now in the Font Awesome artboard, and contains the font awesome icon.

    All icons without a green mark are still Ant Icon main components that may be living somewhere in other DS components, therefore they might need to be replaced in the future.

    Font Awesome icons:

    These are the main components that have been taken from the Ant artboard, or added from the local file.

    Blanked icons above each component are just old Ant icons for reference, and they are not linked to anything. They can be removed anytime. If there’s no icon above a component, it means that the icon has been added to the DS and had no equivalent in Ant.

    D. Design System component updates

    In the Pages menu - the ✅ icon next to a page title means that the page has been aligned with the Finova brand style. It means that if in the future you want to use a component from a page that hasn’t been updated yet - you will need to do this by yourselves because it still has the initial Ant DS style

    • All fonts have been updated automatically so most likely you don’t need to worry about it, but it is still worth check

    • The corner radius is 8px

    • Make sure that icons connected within a component, are updated and linked to Font Awesome artboard. Lots of icons that haven’t been used across FF designs will require to update them manually (check the video for reference)

    • Setting the proper colours will probably require the most work. Check pages that are marked with ✅ as a reference, and use the same colours for hover, clicked etc

    • It’s worth checking auto layout and resizing components, as I’ve already found a few components not set up properly that required an update

    E. Mobile & Tablet responsiveness

    Important to know on this one is that eventually, we have established 2 component types/behaviours. Mobile, and Desktop

    The main difference is in how components stretch, and also the different look of forms. On mobile designs, labels are placed above the input field, along with any icons associated with this field. Another difference is that on mobile, all components are full-width. That means all form fields, buttons, containers etc. will scale along with the screen resolution.

    The border between mobile and desktop rules is at 768px resolution. That means everything below 768px will be treated as a mobile design (see designs for reference)

    Fact Find Summary

    if the screen resolution has more than 1600 px, the panels no longer stretch and are centre aligned. 1600px is the maximum

    Fact Find Forms

    The maximum size of containers with forms is 802px. So regardless of how big the screen is, panels with forms will never stretch bigger. They will be aligned to the left side of the screen, and if there’s enough space for 2 columns - they will break into 2 columns (see designs for reference)

    👉 5. Projects

    Projects in Figma are divided into Products, which then contain specific files for each Feature. Space like 🎨 Exploratory & concept work is for discovery designs, concepts and mockups.

    Figma Projects Structure
    Feature Structure Example

    A. Figma Files notes







    Fact Find - FINAL



    The latest version of fact find, including all changes in agreement with Dev team, updated icons and documentation. Layers are tidied up, structures are built with auto layout and components - where it was possible or made sense

    Up to date pages that matter:

    • 1.0 Fact Find Summary

    • 2.0 Fact Find Forms

    • Documentation

    Prototypes are not updated, and they might not work properly. In order to check interaction it’s best to use the previous version of Fact Find (Legacy).

    Everything else in the file is legacy, contains research or some old designs.

    Fact Find - Legacy


    It’s the first version of FF, before the big dev review after which many things required to be redesigned. Some things that have been descoped, are still in this file - e.g. multi column layout for applicants, creating applicants during FF.



    Everything is up to date in this file (except some product panels wireframes in 3.2 Product Wireframes. Will need to be updated to 3.1 Product individual features).

    Most of the layers in the file are a mess, so don’t rely on layer names or structure. As these are concept wireframes that often required to be changed, moved around, redesigned etc - I wasn’t paying too much attention to layer names or the proper structure. However when you move to the UI stage, everything should be named and structured properly (See fact find file for reference).

    B. Additional Documentation







    Fact Find Documentation


    In this file you will find the most important information about some components logic and behaviour used across the Fact Find. Some of them will apply to future designs, such as product tags and some other will answer some questions, like why is one icon blue, and the other one grey. The future designs should be consistent with what’s in this file.

    C. Product Panels Redesign







    Product Panels


    Some of the core changes and improvements of each panel are listed in Mike’s Miro board used for the Forum presentation

    ’ve divided the redesign process into 2 steps. In the 1st step, that is almost finished - I focused on the high level UX of each panel. That covers all actions within a panel, such as uploading files, editing details, creating participants etc. There are ideas and improvements to to be validated by the Product Team, and that will be probably most important at this stage. It should be focused on overall panel’s logic and usage. Due to the complexity of some of the panels, after their review, there might be things that are missing, things that I was not aware of at the moment, or proposed solutions that might not work.

    Once those designs are confirmed, my plan was to start phase 2 - and that includes reviewing each panel in details. That means understanding every field, and label that may appear there, and then improving labels that are not explicit to the brokers. We heard a lot of feedback, especially from brokers new to the system - that some labels don’t make sense to them, and they don’t know what they mean.

    All designs and improvement ideas are based on what I’ve learned during my personal tests of each feature in the CRM, interviews with the brokers and sessions with Alan.

    Email panel

    Ideas 💡

    I’ve decided to separate Document History and Email features. In the current system, you can both produce documents and create emails in the same place. That means that the panel not only records produced documents, and when the documents were sent to a client but also it records contact emails that doesn’t contain any documents.

    In the redesigned Document History panel you can no longer create emails to contact customers, but the panel is now dedicated to documents only. That means that you can produce a document - and in order to send it, you have to select a document (or multiple documents) and hit Send button. The documents will be attached to the message, and sending this message will be recorded as documents sent.

    I think it makes sense to have a separate panel dedicated to regular contact with the customer. My assumption is that email is the main way of contacting clients. So in this panel users would be able to create new emails to contact the customer, maintain correspondence and track email history. Because we no longer show all applicants details at the top of the screen, my idea was to include all contact details to the customers that are on the product. So presumably that could be one of the panels that should be at the top, displaying phone number, (address?) and email along with the history of contact

    Some loose thoughts & considerations

    Ideas 💡

    • Check the “Messages for future” panel at the top of the page

    • One of the problems we are trying to solve is the lack of education and guidance in the system. That’s why we should try to provide some more guidance, description within drawers etc.

    • There’s a big misalignment in terms of naming panels. Different names appear in the Product view and settings. Moreover, some panel names are confusing because they don’t reflect the actual Panel Purpose. Example - Document History.

    • Should users be allowed to change the size of every panel? Seems like in some cases it doesn’t make sense to have half-width, for instance, Document History

    • I’ve introduced a preview feature to all panels that might need it, such as Attached Files or Produced Documents. I’ve encountered cases where a preview is available from a drawer. In that case, I think that preview in a modal on top of the drawer works.

    👉 6. Final notes

    If any questions, here are the contact details: 

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