Versions Compared


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[MC] Scope - limit to case definition and flow or use the opportunity to expand into other areas of CRM?

[MC] Legal - sign off ?

[MC] Incentive - Why should users complete the survey?… Is contributing to the design of a better tool enough?

Survey Pre-requisites

[MC] Inform user of average completion time -
This survey should take no longer than ?? to ?? minutes to complete

[MC] Survey Introduction - Why, Outcome

[MC] Legals - Disclaimer, NDA, etc

[MC] Survey Completion - Thank you page & High Level Results Published?

Survey Approach

[MC] Branching lines of questioning based on user tasks within CRM

Survey Questions

Case / General




What information do you usually ask when adding a new applicant? What’s the minimum?


What are your thoughts on the current adding an applicant experience? What would improve your experience? [MC - This question needs to be more specific]


What are your biggest frustrations when adding an applicant? [MC - do we have any frustrations from research to validate?]


Do you perform any actions against applicants, such as adding a note, or uploading a document? (in applicant details view) [MC - suggest asking … when you add a note or upload a document, how often do you do it in the following sections of the CRM? and list sections]



What are your thoughts on “Add Product” experience? What would improve it in your opinion?
[MC - This question needs to be more specific]


How often do you use “Associate a Product” feature when adding a product?


In which order you would like to have Products displayed? (e.g. Last edited first, recently added first, or maybe you would like to be able to change the order manually)
[MC - If this order you be set during configuration and we add a sort then do we need to ask this?]


Have you ever been in a situation, when you don’t know what product to assign? If so, what do you do in such situation?
[MC - do we have research for this question that we wan to validate or has the question come from somewhere else?]

Product view

  • Could you briefly describe what’s your process after creating a case, adding applicant(s), and adding product(s)?
    [MC - If the user can choose either of these as a starting point for a case why do we need to ask?]

  • When you are in product view, how often do you need to refer to the Applicants' details? Is it important for you to see them visible for all the time?
    [MC - This needs to be one question to ascertain whether it needs to be included on the page or not]

  • What actions do you perform the most often when working on a Product?
    [MC - Which of the following actions do you… ? and then we should list the actions and add an other field ] (Select all that apply)

  • Is there any additional data you would like to have displayed in the Product view?
    [MC - The question should list the data presented and then ask is their any key data missing] (Free text)

  • What are your thoughts on the current Product view? How would you improve it?
    [MC - This question needs to be more specific]

  • What are your biggest frustrations on Product view?
    [MC - do we have any frustrations from research to validate?]

  • Do you think all products should have the same structure of panels and fields within them, or it does not matter to you?

  • How do you structure your panels within a product? You prefer single or two column view?
    [MC - this would be better asked regarding how they consume the data displayed - how quickly do you need to access? do you ever need to compare 2 data sources?, etc]

  • What panels are the most important for you?
    [MC - Would be better to list all the panels and ask the form filler to rank them in importance]

  • Do you find any panels redundant and you never use them?
    [MC - great question and would be useful to know why they never use them]

[MC - Is there anything else we need to validate?… for case? or others functionality if in scope? ]

[MC - List most recent cases, products, applicants?]


@Feedback 💬

Piotrek Rak (Unlicensed) Michael.Craddock Matt Oxley Let’s keep feedback in one place. Please comment below, if you have any feedback. Thanks!

Tested Survey


Survey generic comments

  • Those CTA’s (next, previous page, complete) are hard to notice, making them bigger or using different colour would help with their visibility

  • Using the same style for each question (with the background), and increasing space between each question would help with legibility

  • Increase space between headings, copy, and answers, it’s very narrow currently

  • Does the text area (for open questions) need to take that much space? Can they expand as the user is typing?

  • Try to keep consistent margins and input field size

  • Does it need to have full-screen width? Perhaps it could be in the center, that would be easier to read and fill

  • Perhaps the open question “Other (describe) could appears only if “Other” option is selected?

  • Quick mockup for reference


< Mike >

  1. Make ‘Improve Fact Find’ a heading… suggested reword… 'Help us improve fact find'

  2. Question 2… box too large for a number

  3. Question 4, 8, 10, 13… tick boxes should be radio buttons (Pick One)

  4. Question 4 … repeated

  5. Question 5… suggested reword… 'How useful is the Case Summary page to you'

  6. Question 8… should ‘Other’ have an associated free text field?

  7. All questions on single page and then second page for other survey

  8. Question 12… what stops user clicking more than 3?

  9. Question 10, 12, 13… ‘Other' should have radio button or tick box which makes free text file show

  10. Generally… are all questions optional?

  11. Why DOES ‘End of Survey’ have a question number of 14?
    Should we have a finish button after 14? and then a continue button to answer further questions?

  12. Question 15…. lose the Thank you for taking the time…? and just have the question

  13. Questions 15, 19… can choose ‘Yes’ and ‘No’… Radio buttons?

  14. Question 16, 17 asks for a ‘Barrier’ and ‘Benefit’.. and then lets you choose multiple

  15. No ‘Previous’ button here

  16. Questions 16, 17, 18… free text field should show after ‘Other’ is selected

  17. Question 20… is not a question so should not have a number… ‘Finish’ button? No ‘Previous’ Button



Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. It shouldn’t take longer than <Insert time> to complete. Your input will help us design a better Broker CRM for you. 

About you

First, we’d like to know a little bit about you. 

  • How many users in your firm use the Broker CRM? 

    • [number field]

  • How would you best describe your role when using the Broker CRM? [Select those that apply to you]

    • Power user - Adapting workspace for the business, working with system settings and using advanced features 

    • Broker - Working with clients, creating cases, gathering fact finds, advising on products 

    • Admin – Adding client data, running reports 

    • I do other tasks in the system  

      • Please describe [free text field] 


We are looking at ways we can improve the Case area of the Broker CRM and would love to know how you currently use it. 

  • Which best describes how you use cases? [Select one] 

    • I use a case to manage my customer(s) and add products that are associated with them 

    • I always create a new case when I create a new product 

    • I don’t need cases, I would prefer to just create a product and assign applicant(s) to it 

    • I don’t understand the term ‘case’ and I don’t know how I should use it 

    • I use the cases differently 

    • Please tell us how you use cases [free text field]

  • The Case summary page provides a snapshot of key case information (applicants and products). What is the value of Case Summary page for you?

    • [1-10 scale] 1- I never use it to 10 – its critical to my role

  • What do you use the Case Summary section for?

    • [free text field] 

  • If there was one thing you could improve in the Case Summary section, what would it be? 

    • [free text field] 

Quote Section

  • The Quote(s) section contains illustrations from all the products on the case. Is this page useful for you? [Select one] 

    • Yes, I use it all the time  

    • Yes, but only sometimes 

    • No, I only use Illustrations on a Product view 

    • I wasn’t aware such a feature exists 

    • Other [free text field]

  • If there was one thing you could improve in the Quote section, what would it be? 

    • [free text field]

Timeline Section

  • The Timeline is a history of all the activity that has happened against the products and applicants within the case. Is this feature useful for you? [Select one]

    • Yes, I use it all the time 

    • Yes, but only sometimes 

    • No, I look at history/notes in the product view 

    • No, I don’t find it useful 

    • I wasn’t aware such a feature exists 

    • Other [free text field]

  • If there was one thing you could improve in the Timeline section, what would it be? 

    • [free text field]

Quick Actions

  • We are considering including a quick actions task bar to the CRM. What would be the top 3 actions you would like to see on the quick actions task bar while working in on a product? [choose 3]

    • Create case note 

    • Create diary entry 

    • Attach documents & files 

    • Add simple tasks 

    • Change product stage 

    • Export to sourcing 

    • Enter Fact Find 

    • Contact customer (email, phone) 

    • Other actions 

      • Please describe [free text field]

CRM improvements 

  • We are currently improving the case section and fact find. What area of the Broker CRM would you like to see improved next? [Choose one] 

    • Reporting 

    • Dashboard 

    • Customer portal 

    • System settings 

    • Commission 

    • Address book 

    • Business intelligence 

    • Integrations 

    • Other? 

  • Why? What would you like to see work better? (Follow up question)

    •  [free text field]

End of survey 

Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey. 

We have a few questions on Open Banking. There are only 5 simple questions and shouldn’t take more than x minutes, but they will help us understand how important Open Banking is to you.  

Open Banking

Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey. 

  • Are you interested in Open Banking to digitally obtain information about an applicant’s income and expenditure? 

    • Yes 

    • No 

      • (include optional Why question for each option) 

  • What has been your barrier to adopting Open Banking within your firm? 

    • Cost of service. 

    • Lenders still requiring physical bank statements to be provided and not accepting info by Open Banking. 

    • Easier to ask for bank statements than to ask applicant to sign up to Open Banking. 

    • Lack of trust in Open Banking data. 

    • Training burden with advisors and applicants on how to use Open Banking. 

    • Other [free text field]

  • What benefit do you see Open Banking providing to your firm? 

    • Better understanding of an applicant’s financial position. 

    • Reducing admin in complimenting affordability assessment. 

    • Prevents risk of false information being provided. 

    • Protects my advising process. 

    • Speed in assessing and processing applications. 

    • Being able to discover new advising and product opportunities. 

    • Other [free text field]

  • What are your biggest challenges when assessing affordability for a client? 

    • The accuracy of their income and expenditures. 

    • The time taken for applicants to provide statements to assess their affordability. 

    • Applicants are guarded about the information they wish to provide to an advisor. 

    • Different lenders having varying requirements. 

    • Other [free text field]

  • Do you think Open Banking can help meet your Consumer Duty responsibilities? 

    • Yes 

    • No 

    • (include optional Why question for each option)

Thank you

Thank you for taking the time to answer the survey. Your feedback goes a long way to help us understand how you use the CRM so we can improve it. We will look to share the results with you shortly. 



Survey Definition

[MC] Scope - limit to case definition and flow or use the opportunity to expand into other areas of CRM?

[MC] Legal - sign off ?

[MC] Incentive - Why should users complete the survey?… Is contributing to the design of a better tool enough?

Survey Pre-requisites

[MC] Inform user of average completion time -
This survey should take no longer than ?? to ?? minutes to complete

[MC] Survey Introduction - Why, Outcome

[MC] Legals - Disclaimer, NDA, etc

[MC] Survey Completion - Thank you page & High Level Results Published?

Survey Approach

[MC] Branching lines of questioning based on user tasks within CRM

Survey Questions

Case / General

  • What type of user are you ( what best describes your role - 2 choices. 1st - I create cases, I gather fact finds, 2nd - I do all of that + other things in the system)

    [MC] Which of these best describes how you use eKeeper? (select only one)
    [ I just create cases ] [Case branch]
    [ I just gather fact finds ] [Fact Find branch]
    [ I create cases and I gather fact finds ] [Case & Fact Find branch] or [Case branch]
    [ I create cases, gather fact finds and more ] [Case, Fact Find & Other branch]
    [ I primarily configure and manage the CRM ] [Configuration and Management branch]
    [ Other ] - Free text [?]

    [ MC - Insight gained user demographic ]
    [MC - purpose of question to present targeted questions with the aim of shortening the survey effort ]

  • What does case mean to you, and how do you use cases (add options to choose from, i never use cases)

    [MC - Case branch] Which best describes how you use cases? (mark to 1-10 scale for each)
    [ I create a new case for each new product purchase event ]
    [ I modify an existing case when an applicant renews a product ]
    [ I modify an existing case when an applicant adds a new product ]
    [ etc ]
    [ etc ]
    [ Other ] - Free text

  • Do you ever search for cases, or it’s rather a product or an applicant?

    [MC - Case branch] Which best describes how you search the CRM? (mark to 1-10 scale for each)
    [ I search by Case ID ]
    [ I search by Product ]
    [ I search by Applicant ]

  • What value does Case Summary page have to you? How and how often do you use it? - Add a scale 1-10

    [MC - Case branch] The Case summary page provides a snapshot of key case information from which users can delve deeper into the data on demand. How often do you use this page? (select only one)
    [ Rarely ] - Why? - Free Text
    [ Quite Often ]
    [ Often ]
    [ Very Often ]
    [ All the time ]

  • If you could choose what informations you would like to see in Case Summary, what would it be? - add some more fields to choose from, and add - other

    [MC - Case branch] What key summary case information should appear on the case summary page? (Select all that apply)
    [ Item ]
    [ Item ]
    [ Item ]
    [ Item ]
    - Other - [ Free text ]
    - Other - [ Free text ]
    - Other - [ Free text ]

  • Do you use Quote(s) panel? What’s the value for you? - Describe quotes panel + add scale, add answers I never use it etc

    [MC - Case branch] The Quotes page provides ... How often do you use this page? (select only one)
    [ Rarely ] - Why? - Free Text
    [ Quite Often ]
    [ Often ]
    [ Very Often ]
    [ All the time ]

  • Do you use the Timeline panel? How do you use it? - same as quotes

    [MC - Case branch] The Timeline page provides ... How often do you use this page? (select only one)
    [ Rarely ] - Why? - Free Text
    [ Quite Often ]
    [ Often ]
    [ Very Often ]
    [ All the time ]

  • In your opinion, how can the case creation and management process be improved?

    [MC - Case branch] In your opinion, what could be added, removed or altered within eKeeper to improve case creation, case workflow or case management?
    - Case Creation - [ Free text ]
    - Case Workflow - [ Free text ]
    - Case Management - [ Free text ]


  • What’s the average number of applicants per case? - give them choice

    [MC - Case branch] On average, what is the number of applicants per case? (select only one)
    [ 1-2 ]
    [ 3-4 ]
    [ 5-10 ]
    [ Greater than 10 ]

  • What are the most important applicants' details you would like to see in Case Summary? - Give some choice, ask about minimum

    [MC - Case branch] What key summary information should appear on the case summary page for Applicants? (Select all that apply)
    [ Item ]
    [ Item ]
    [ Item ]
    [ Item ]
    - Other - [ Free text ]
    - Other - [ Free text ]
    - Other - [ Free text ]

  • What information do you usually ask when adding a new applicant? What’s the minimum?

  • What are your thoughts on the current adding an applicant experience? What would improve your experience? [MC - This question needs to be more specific]

  • What are your biggest frustrations when adding an applicant? [MC - do we have any frustrations from research to validate?]

  • Do you perform any actions against applicants, such as adding a note, or uploading a document? (in applicant details view) [MC - suggest asking … when you add a note or upload a document, how often do you do it in the following sections of the CRM? and list sections]


  • What’s the average number of products per case? What’s the maximum number you have ever had?

    [MC - Case branch] On average, what is the number of products per case? (select only one)
    [ less than 5]
    [ 5 - 10 ]
    [ 10 - 15 ]
    [ Greater than 15 ]

  • What are the most important products' details you would like to see in Case Summary?

    [MC - Case branch] What key summary information should appear on the case summary page for Products? (Select all that apply)
    [ Item ]
    [ Item ]
    [ Item ]
    [ Item ]
    - Other - [ Free text ]
    - Other - [ Free text ]
    - Other - [ Free text ]

  • What are your thoughts on “Add Product” experience? What would improve it in your opinion?
    [MC - This question needs to be more specific]

  • How often do you use “Associate a Product” feature when adding a product?

  • In which order you would like to have Products displayed? (e.g. Last edited first, recently added first, or maybe you would like to be able to change the order manually)
    [MC - If this order you be set during configuration and we add a sort then do we need to ask this?]

  • Have you ever been in a situation, when you don’t know what product to assign? If so, what do you do in such situation?
    [MC - do we have research for this question that we wan to validate or has the question come from somewhere else?]

Product view

  • Could you briefly describe what’s your process after creating a case, adding applicant(s), and adding product(s)?
    [MC - If the user can choose either of these as a starting point for a case why do we need to ask?]

  • When you are in product view, how often do you need to refer to the Applicants' details? Is it important for you to see them visible for all the time?
    [MC - This needs to be one question to ascertain whether it needs to be included on the page or not]

  • What actions do you perform the most often when working on a Product?
    [MC - Which of the following actions do you… ? and then we should list the actions and add an other field ] (Select all that apply)

  • Is there any additional data you would like to have displayed in the Product view?
    [MC - The question should list the data presented and then ask is their any key data missing] (Free text)

  • What are your thoughts on the current Product view? How would you improve it?
    [MC - This question needs to be more specific]

  • What are your biggest frustrations on Product view?
    [MC - do we have any frustrations from research to validate?]

  • Do you think all products should have the same structure of panels and fields within them, or it does not matter to you?

  • How do you structure your panels within a product? You prefer single or two column view?
    [MC - this would be better asked regarding how they consume the data displayed - how quickly do you need to access? do you ever need to compare 2 data sources?, etc]

  • What panels are the most important for you?
    [MC - Would be better to list all the panels and ask the form filler to rank them in importance]

  • Do you find any panels redundant and you never use them?
    [MC - great question and would be useful to know why they never use them]

[MC - Is there anything else we need to validate?… for case? or others functionality if in scope? ]

[MC - List most recent cases, products, applicants?]

[MC - Do you ever take notice or read interstitial pages - ie when changing status?]

[MC - Business Summary?]

[MC - Dairy entry workflow?]

[MC - How many Stages?] - Alan?

Survey questions_v2

Questions oriented on actions - Including Mike's feedback

need to state we are focussing on Case UI and why

Questions to consider

  • How may users/licences? - is this important?? ✅


  • What type of user are you? [Select one] ✅

    • Adapting workspace to my business, working with system settings and using advanced features, working with clients and more

    • Working with clients, creating cases, gathering fact finds, advising on products

    • I do other things in the system

      • Ask what’s the other role in the system?

  • Which best describes how you use cases? [Select one]

    • I use case to add products and customers that are associated together

    • I always create a new case for a new product

    • I don’t need case, I would prefer to just create a product and assign applicant(s) to it

    • I don’t understand a case term and I don’t know how should I use it

    • I use the case differently

      • Ask how?

  • Which best describes how you search the CRM?[1-10 scale for each]

    • I search by Case reference

    • I search by Product reference

    • I search by Applicant name

    • I search via Business Summary Table

    • I use different methods to search what I need

      • Ask how?

  • The Case summary page provides a snapshot of key case information (applicants and products) from which users can delve deeper into the data on demand. What’s the value of Case Summary Page for you? [1-10 scale]

    • Ask why?

  • What do you use Case Summary for?[Select all that apply]

    • Check basic applicants' details

    • Check basic products’ details

    • Check applicants’ other products

    • I don’t use Case Summary

      • Ask why?

    • It doesn’t contain the data I would like to see

      • Ask what they would like to have there?

  • Quote(s) page contains all illustrations, from all products on the case. Is this page useful for you? [Select all that apply]

    • Yes, I use it regularly

    • Yes, but just sometimes

    • No, I only use Illustrations on a Product view

    • I wasn’t aware such a feature exists

    • Other

      • Ask for an answer

  • Timeline is a history of actions [MC - ‘held within the case’] against products and applicants. Is this feature useful for you?[Select one]

    • Yes, I use it regularly

    • Yes, but just sometimes

    • No, I look at history/notes in the product view

    • No, I don’t find it useful

    • I wasn’t aware such a feature exists

    • Other

      • Ask for an answer


  • On average, what is the number of applicants per case? [Select one]

    • 1-2 applicants

    • 3-5 applicants

    • More than 6 applicants

    • 1-2 applicants + business

    • 3-5 applicants + business

    • More than 6 applicants + Business

    • Other

      • Ask for an answer

  • How would you rate current adding applicants experience? [1-10 scale]

    • Ask why? If < 5

  • Which of the following additional actions do you perform against an applicant? [Select all that apply]

    • Granting Consent

    • Adding action notes

    • Attaching files

    • Creating diary entries

    • Checking other cases and products

    • Schedule of Property

    • I never use any of those

      • Why?

    • I would like to be able to do other actions

      • What actions?

  • When working on a product, how often do you need to refer to the applicants’ data? [1-10 scale]

    • In which situations?


  • What’s the average number of products per case? [Select one]

    • 1-2 products

    • 3-5 products

    • 6-10 products

    • More than 10

  • What do you do, when you don’t know what product to assign? [Select one]

    • I add a New Enquiry, and I change it once I know what product to assign

    • I add any product and I change it once I know what product to assign

    • I skip it, and I add a product once I have more details

    • It doesn’t happen to me

    • Other

      • What?

  • Do you associate products when adding a new product? [Select one]

    • Yes, often

    • Yes, but rarely

    • No, I associate products later in the process

    • No, I don’t associate products at all

    • Other

      • What?

  • How often do you perform these actions in the process while working on a product? [Rate every action 1-10 ]

    • Create case notes

    • Create diary entries

    • Attach documents & files

    • Add simple tasks

    • Change product stage

    • Sourcing

    • Contact customer (email, phone)

    • Other actions

      • What are these?

  • What are your steps after you set up a case (add applicants, add product)? [Number them in sequence]

    • Collect basic documents

    • Initial Fact Find

    • Run Credit Report

    • Quick sourcing check

    • Check all documents and the data

    • Sourcing

    • Detailed Fact Find

    • Run full sourcing

    • Missing steps

      • What are these?

  • How do you configure panels layout for your product? [Select one]

    • I use the default system setup

    • I create the same layout for all products

    • Each product has its own panel layout

    • Other

      • What’s that?

  • Rank all the panels in importance and usage for your workflow [number them in importance]

    • Case notes

    • Diary Entries

    • Attached Files

    • Additional Product Details

    • Further Details

    • Trustees and Beneficiaries

    • Transactions

    • Funds

    • Simple Tasks

    • Additional Product Details

    • Document History

    • Participants

    • Stage History

    • Supporting Documents

    • Commission Options

    • Initial Enquiry

    • Credit Search

    • Hometrack

    • Borrower Experience

    • Related Products

    • Email History

    • Application Details

    • Product Details

    • Comments?

      • What are these?

Based on this one, we can create a default panel layout that would work for most / new brokers

  • Rank all the panels in importance and usage for your workflow [Select all that apply]

    • Case notes

    • Diary Entries

    • Attached Files

    • Additional Product Details

    • Further Details

    • Trustees and Beneficiaries

    • Transactions

    • Funds

    • Simple Tasks

    • Additional Product Details

    • Document History

    • Participants

    • Stage History

    • Supporting Documents

    • Commission Options

    • Initial Enquiry

    • Credit Search

    • Hometrack

    • Borrower Experience

    • Related Products

    • Email History

    • Application Details

    • Product Details

      • Branched questions for selected answers to ask why?

  • What could improve your current experience when working on a product? [Select all that apply]

    • More guidance along the process

    • Better training on CRM features

    • Improving individual features experience

    • Other

      • What’s that?

End of survey

Thank you for taking the time…..

We have some questions on Open Banking, would you like to answer them, there are only 5 simple questions, they will help us understand how important OB is to you.

Open Banking

Are you interested in Open Banking to digitally obtain information about an applicant’s income and expenditure?

  • Yes

  • No

  • (include optional Why question for each option)

What has been your barrier to adopting Open Banking within your firm?

  • Cost of service.

  • Lenders still requiring physical bank statements to be provided and not accepting info by Open Banking.

  • Easier to ask for bank statements than to ask applicant to sign up to Open Banking.

  • Lack of trust in Open Banking data.

  • Training burden with advisors and applicants on how to use Open Banking.

  • Other

What benefit do you see Open Banking providing to your firm?

  • Better understanding of an applicant’s financial position.

  • Reducing admin in complimenting affordability assessment.

  • Prevents risk of false information being provided.

  • Protects my advising process.

  • Speed in assessing and processing applications.

  • Being able to discover new advising and product opportunities.

  • Other

What are your biggest challenges when assessing affordability for a client?

  • The accuracy of their income and expenditures.

  • The time taken for applicants to provide statements to assess their affordability.

  • Applicants are guarded about the information they wish to provide to an advisor.

  • Different lenders having varying requirements.

  • Other

Do you think Open Banking can help meet your Consumer Duty responsibilities?

  • Yes

  • No

  • (include optional Why question for each option)