Survey Definition
[MC] Scope - limit to case definition and flow or use the opportunity to expand into other areas of CRM?
[MC] Legal - sign off ?
[MC] Incentive - Why should users complete the survey?… Is contributing to the design of a better tool enough?
Survey Pre-requisites
[MC] Inform user of average completion time -
This survey should take no longer than ?? to ?? minutes to complete
[MC] Survey Introduction - Why, Outcome
[MC] Legals - Disclaimer, NDA, etc
[MC] Survey Completion - Thank you page & High Level Results Published?
Survey Approach
[MC] Branching lines of questioning based on user tasks within CRM
Survey Questions
Case / General
What type of user are you ( what best describes your role - 2 choices. 1st - I create cases, I gather fact finds, 2nd - I do all of that + other things in the system)
[MC] Which of these best describes how you use eKeeper? (select only one)
[ I just create cases ] [Case branch]
[ I just gather fact finds ] [Fact Find branch]
[ I create cases and I gather fact finds ] [Case & Fact Find branch] or [Case branch]
[ I create cases, gather fact finds and more ] [Case, Fact Find & Other branch]
[ I primarily configure and manage the CRM ] [Configuration and Management branch]
[ Other ] - Free text [?]
[ MC - Insight gained user demographic ]
[MC - purpose of question to present targeted questions with the aim of shortening the survey effort ]What does case mean to you, and how do you use cases (add options to choose from, i never use cases)
[MC - Case branch] Which best describes how you use cases? (mark to 1-10 scale for each)
[ I create a new case for each new product purchase event ]
[ I modify an existing case when an applicant renews a product ]
[ I modify an existing case when an applicant adds a new product ]
[ etc ]
[ etc ]
[ Other ] - Free textDo you ever search for cases, or it’s rather a product or an applicant?
[MC - Case branch] Which best describes how you search the CRM? (mark to 1-10 scale for each)
[ I search by Case ID ]
[ I search by Product ]
[ I search by Applicant ]What value does Case Summary page have to you? How and how often do you use it? - Add a scale 1-10
[MC - Case branch] The Case summary page provides a snapshot of key case information from which users can delve deeper into the data on demand. How often do you use this page? (select only one)
[ Rarely ] - Why? - Free Text
[ Quite Often ]
[ Often ]
[ Very Often ]
[ All the time ]If you could choose what informations you would like to see in Case Summary, what would it be? - add some more fields to choose from, and add - other
[MC - Case branch] What key summary case information should appear on the case summary page? (Select all that apply)
[ Item ]
[ Item ]
[ Item ]
[ Item ]
- Other - [ Free text ]
- Other - [ Free text ]
- Other - [ Free text ]Do you use Quote(s) panel? What’s the value for you? - Describe quotes panel + add scale, add answers I never use it etc
[MC - Case branch] The Quotes page provides ... How often do you use this page? (select only one)
[ Rarely ] - Why? - Free Text
[ Quite Often ]
[ Often ]
[ Very Often ]
[ All the time ]Do you use the Timeline panel? How do you use it? - same as quotes
[MC - Case branch] The Timeline page provides ... How often do you use this page? (select only one)
[ Rarely ] - Why? - Free Text
[ Quite Often ]
[ Often ]
[ Very Often ]
[ All the time ]In your opinion, how can the case creation and management process be improved?
[MC - Case branch] In your opinion, what could be added, removed or altered within eKeeper to improve case creation, case workflow or case management?
- Case Creation - [ Free text ]
- Case Workflow - [ Free text ]
- Case Management - [ Free text ]
What’s the average number of applicants per case? - give them choice
[MC - Case branch] On average, what is the number of applicants per case? (select only one)
[ 1-2 ]
[ 3-4 ]
[ 5-10 ]
[ Greater than 10 ]What are the most important applicants' details you would like to see in Case Summary? - Give some choice, ask about minimum
[MC - Case branch] What key summary information should appear on the case summary page for Applicants? (Select all that apply)
[ Item ]
[ Item ]
[ Item ]
[ Item ]
- Other - [ Free text ]
- Other - [ Free text ]
- Other - [ Free text ]What information do you usually ask when adding a new applicant? What’s the minimum?
What are your thoughts on the current adding an applicant experience? What would improve your experience? [MC - This question needs to be more specific]
What are your biggest frustrations when adding an applicant? [MC - do we have any frustrations from research to validate?]
Do you perform any actions against applicants, such as adding a note, or uploading a document? (in applicant details view) [MC - suggest asking … when you add a note or upload a document, how often do you do it in the following sections of the CRM? and list sections]
What’s the average number of products per case? What’s the maximum number you have ever had?
[MC - Case branch] On average, what is the number of products per case? (select only one)
[ less than 5]
[ 5 - 10 ]
[ 10 - 15 ]
[ Greater than 15 ]What are the most important products' details you would like to see in Case Summary?
[MC - Case branch] What key summary information should appear on the case summary page for Products? (Select all that apply)
[ Item ]
[ Item ]
[ Item ]
[ Item ]
- Other - [ Free text ]
- Other - [ Free text ]
- Other - [ Free text ]What are your thoughts on “Add Product” experience? What would improve it in your opinion?
[MC - This question needs to be more specific]How often do you use “Associate a Product” feature when adding a product?
In which order you would like to have Products displayed? (e.g. Last edited first, recently added first, or maybe you would like to be able to change the order manually)
[MC - If this order you be set during configuration and we add a sort then do we need to ask this?]Have you ever been in a situation, when you don’t know what product to assign? If so, what do you do in such situation?
[MC - do we have research for this question that we wan to validate or has the question come from somewhere else?]
Product view
Could you briefly describe what’s your process after creating a case, adding applicant(s), and adding product(s)?
[MC - If the user can choose either of these as a starting point for a case why do we need to ask?]When you are in product view, how often do you need to refer to the Applicants' details? Is it important for you to see them visible for all the time?
[MC - This needs to be one question to ascertain whether it needs to be included on the page or not]What actions do you perform the most often when working on a Product?
[MC - Which of the following actions do you… ? and then we should list the actions and add an other field ] (Select all that apply)Is there any additional data you would like to have displayed in the Product view?
[MC - The question should list the data presented and then ask is their any key data missing] (Free text)What are your thoughts on the current Product view? How would you improve it?
[MC - This question needs to be more specific]What are your biggest frustrations on Product view?
[MC - do we have any frustrations from research to validate?]Do you think all products should have the same structure of panels and fields within them, or it does not matter to you?
How do you structure your panels within a product? You prefer single or two column view?
[MC - this would be better asked regarding how they consume the data displayed - how quickly do you need to access? do you ever need to compare 2 data sources?, etc]What panels are the most important for you?
[MC - Would be better to list all the panels and ask the form filler to rank them in importance]Do you find any panels redundant and you never use them?
[MC - great question and would be useful to know why they never use them]
[MC - Is there anything else we need to validate?… for case? or others functionality if in scope? ]
[MC - List most recent cases, products, applicants?]
[MC - Do you ever take notice or read interstitial pages?]