Day 1 - Matt's Notes

Day 1 - Matt's Notes


Need to demonstrate value in UX
Include everyone in the research
Create Customer Insight councils - invite all those that have customer touch points. Identify biggest themes and problem solve. Create insights hub to share insights. Research is time and context sensitive. Insight needs to be fresh and relevant.
How do we share customer insight across the product team and wider group? help create a shared understanding of the why
Consider introducing a broker Diary study to better understand the jobs to be done
Agree success product KPIs aligned with business values and goals. How do you measure broker sentiment as a KPI? How to track and repot against KPIs?
Embed UX designer within Product teams
Need to define product strategy and vision for Broker CRM. Agree OKRs with team
What is our brand story


‘Building for tomorrow without compromising the needs of today’

Importance of inclusive design - everyone is different, context is different

Need to demonstrate value

Need to break down silos - teams need to collaborate, not just design and dev but legal, sales, support, etc

Research and insight helps identify blind spots

Need to align users goals and business goals.

In research, dont ask what they want. We need to understand the jobs to be done.

Not all user insight is correct.

Passion and drive > creating great customer experiences

UX/Research is about understanding the ‘why, its not jumping to the ‘what’ and 'how’

What is the problem/need we are trying to solve


Collaboration in Product Teams

Continuous discovery and design collaboration

Expose whole team to the research

‘collaboration’ is just a buzz word. Teams typically spend time brainstorm then retreat into silos in how they work. Teams should continuously collaborate through the lifespan of the product.

All great digital success comes from collaboration delivered by cross functional teams. eg a product team is sales, UX, dev, support, accman, BA, product owners, marketing etc

Need to embed UX within product team

Include everyone in the research

Teams should always be Continuous discovery and delivery

Consider Customer Insight councils - invite all those that have frequent customer touch points.

How do we position the product
How do we sell the product
How do we train the product

Run weekly customer interviews

How do we share customer insight across the product team and wider group? help create a shared understanding of the why

Having different customer perspectives help prioritise the right things

Need to identify ‘jobs to be done’ - pain points

Googles Crazy 8s technique - https://designsprintkit.withgoogle.com/methodology/phase3-sketch/crazy-8s

This technique helps get different perspectives from everyone

Consider introducing a broker Diary study to better understand the jobs to be done

Agree success product KPIs aligned with business values and goals


Changing mindset

Biz needs to be outcome focussed. Its a long journey. need to understand how we are gonna get there.

'Feature Factory' - Features built not based on user need. Result is bix is caught in a build trap

Need to focus on delivering value

Need to define product strategy and vision

In the beginning you need trust in the process and patience to prove value

Holistic view of how it impacts the customer as a whole

Build trust

Q - How much does cost of dev team per sprint vs value of the customer?

Q - What are the top 3 ideas that are game changing

Need a deep dive into the customer lifecycle to understand how they work/feel

Run customer strategy workshops - create ‘problem statements’ to solve

Present back to exec/group progress, success stories and failures/learnings

“OKR” stands for “Objectives and Key Results.
OKRs are an effective goal-setting and leadership tool for communicating what you want to accomplish and what milestones you'll need to meet in order to accomplish it. OKRs are used by some of the world's leading organizations to set and enact their strategies.



Impactful Design Narrative

Create narratives to

  • to engage

  • to inspire

  • to create empathy

  • to influence others

Great narratives can change behaviours and attitudes

They help frame a problem and explore the meaning

Sharing instead of telling

What are users feeling at that point in the UJ map

Build personal stories.


Leading Cross Functional Teams

Build and share the vision in cross functional teams

Need to integrate UX with products teams. Remove silos.

Share insight across group/products


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