Linking Supporting Documents from the finova CRM to the finova Client Portal

Linking Supporting Documents from the finova CRM to the finova Client Portal


This guide will take you through the process of mapping Supporting Documents in your finova CRM and linking these to the finova Client Portal for client upload


Navigate to the following screen:

Home / System Settings / Supporting Document Categories

A list of documents you require from you Clients will display. Here you can add new ones and edit existing


How to map a category

Example: Proof of ID

Use the ‘Edit’ option to amend the existing entry

Select the correct mapping option

Use the finova Client Portal mapping dropdown to generate a list of the options available


Choose from the list supplied

In this example, we are going to select the option ‘Proof of ID’



If the drop-down option is greyed-out, then this has already been mapped.


Please be aware that Custom Document is currently not supported by the customer portal


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