Service Desk Index
Service Desk Index
This page is an index of all pages in the Service Desk
Space Index
0-92 Factor Authentication LoginIntroduction: CRM now supports Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for additional security, making it easier for our customers to protect their user data, meet compliance obligations and prevent security breaches in a free and effective process. With 2FA, cu
AAccess IssuesIf you are unable to access your eKeeper CRM then click on the “Access Issues” button inside of the eKeeper service desk. image-20201019-153759.png Once you have clicked on the button you will be presented with the form below to fill in. image-20201019-15
Access Levels
ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE SENRO has flexible Structure then large such ss Networks or Aggregators to use the software to reconcile their commission payments, or small companies from Sole Traders of Large Practices. The organisational structure can be confi
Actions (Case Notes)
What are actions? Actions are notes placed on against your products. The actions menu (under system settings), allows you to add an action note type. These can be used so that you can determine the difference between one note and another for example 'Mort
Adding a New Lender/Provider to your Address Book
Introduction This page will show you how to add a new lender/provider to your Address Book User Permissions There are two permissions that need to be enabled so you can add a New Lender/Provider Home > System Settings > User Permission Groups & Set Permis
Adding HTML coded Email Templates
Introduction Use this guide to add coded HTML email templates to your CRM enhancing your email use image-20231130-120131.png Permission Ensure you have the ‘Can Maintain Email Templates’ permission enabled for your user and access System Settings - Email
Adding New Cases and Product Records
This guide will walk you through the creation of a new case, how to add applicants to that case and then add a product that the applicant is applying for. From the Dashboard of eKeeper, click the button located on the top right: Enter New Case. From the
Adding Participant(s) to a product
Introduction This guide will explain how you can setup your outgoing commission payments. Outgoing commission payments in eKeeper CRM are handled using participants. You can use participants to setup rules for how their payments are automatically calculat
Adding reminders or diary entries
This article will show you how to access and create Diary Entries. There are multiple ways to create a diary entry, each assigning it to different parts of your MortgageKeeper system; to the customer, to the stage, to the case, and to a user(s). Adding a
Address History (Company/Corporate)
Accessing the Address History Page;- Access the 'Company Client O verviev/. Select 'Addresses 'from the 'O verviev/ dropdown The address history screen enables pu to keep record of all addresses associated to the Company and register which are to be used
Advanced Email Signatures - Inserting HTML Source code from your existing email signature
This guide is currently under development - check back again soon! Introduction For a basic guide to email signatures [click here] - To create/add a simple email signature quickly and easily you can do this within the editor within eKeeper or copy+paste f
Advice and Recommendations
Accessing the Advice and Recommendations Page To create an Advice and Recommendation you will need to select a Client from the client bank or convert a Prospect. Click on 'Clients' on the top navigation bar and selecta Client. Click on 'Sales Process' on
After Submitting Your Ticket
Once you have submitted your ticket it will be displayed on the next screen. The image below displays an example of raising a ticket for the “Raise an Issue” type request however any type of ticket will look very similar. image-20201019-160208.png The mai
Air Sourcing
The following guide will walk you through the process of enabling and using Air Sourcing within your finvoa CRM Introduction Air Sourcing is used as an Equity Release sourcing system You will need to hold an account with Air directly to use this Integrati
AML and Credit Search
Not already registered To register for AML and consumer credit searches, you will need to register with us https://www.finova.tech/aml-credit-search#AML-Registration-Form providing all appropriate information. Information eKeeper integrates with Experian
Analytics of Burrow Traffic (Google Tag Manager)
Introduction With Google Tag Manager, you are able to interrogate visitor interactions with your Burrow site though the use of algorithms. Allowing you to create as many as you require to capture whatever you require. note NOTE: Our support only extends t
Applicant 1 Details
Header Name Description Format Information Mandatory Field Notes Title1 App 1 Title Miss Forename1 App 1 Forename Tina MiddleName1 App 1 Middle Name Louise Surname1 App 1 Surname Smith Yes DOB1 App 1 Date of Birth dd/mm/YYYY Yes App1AddressText App 1 Add
Applicant 2 Details
Header Name Description Format Information Mandatory Field Notes Title2 App 2 Title Mr Forename2 App 2 Forename Terry MiddleName2 App 2 Middle Name John Surname2 App 1 Surname Smith Yes DOB2 App 2 Date of Birth dd/mm/YYYY Yes App2AddressText App 2 Addres
Ask For Help
If you are wanting further information on a particular feature in the eKeeper system then click on the “Ask for Help” button inside of the eKeeper service desk. image-20201019-154440.png Once you have clicked on the button you will be presented with the f
Attaching files to a product
The colour and naming of particular menus in your system appear be different to the screenshots in this article, however the principle will be the same. During a case's life time there will no doubt be numerous attachments generated as evidence of the cas
Automated Actions
Automated Portal Triggers Automation Rules Stage Actions https://ekeepergroup.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ESD/pages/1993474103/Stage+Action
Automated Trigger
Triggering the activation By associating the portal enabling to a stage move you can auto enable the portal activation Within your 'Stages' choose to 'Edit' those stages where you wish the customer to be able to access the portal and toggle on the below:
Automation Rules
What are Automation Rules? Automation rule can perform actions in the background, based on some simple yet powerful rules. The rules can be set to run hourly, daily, weekly and monthly, with a time a day if needed. The system runs a check for new rules, e
Awaiting Feedback Stage
Our process strongly relies on the issue going back to you for review before closing and sometimes before refering to the technical team, This means that your issue will only be closed once you are happy your issue or query is resolved. When we put a comm
BB&C ProductThe following column header will determine the third product, which will be assigned to the applicant(s) case. The upload will fail if it doesn't match with a product name (See Product Type/Name values). Header Name Description Format Information Mandator
Birthday Communications
What are Birthday Communications? When Birthday Communications are enabled, on a daily basis your system will check all applicants stored within your eKeeper CRM system for those who's birthday falls on that day. A list of matching applicants will be buil
eKeeper CRM Knowledge BaseSystem SettingsBranches How to add branches to eKeeper CRM image2021-11-22_14-51-40.png To add a new branch to the CRM click New Branch. Branch Name - This is the name of the branch you are creating Branch Code - Here you can add
Brevo Setup Guide
Prerequisites: You will need to have your own Brevo Transactional email subscription account. https://www.brevo.com/pricing/# https://www.brevo.com/pricing/# Step 1: You will need to generate an API key that you will need to give to us via the support tic
Browser Functionality - Zoom in, Zoom Out
Accessing the Zoom In, Zoom Out Functionality within FireFox;- To increase or decrease thefontsize of yourpageselect 'View' in the top left hand corner of the browser Select 'Zoom 'and then 'Zoom In ' or Zoom Out' as appropriate image2017-6-13_10-6-26.png
Bulk Change Tool
Accessing the Bulk Change Section; - Click on 'Management' on the top navigation bar. Click on 'Bulk Change' on the bottom navigation bar. The searches that appear are generated in the Marketing Section. Filters and Exports' for more information. Searches
Bulk Delete (Applicants/Products)
Introduction How to bulk delete Products & Applicants from your CRM system. CAUTION: This action cannot be undone! Proceed only if you are certain you wish to permanently delete! Tip: Alternatively, you can move a product to an ‘Archive Stage’ to hide it,
Bulk email queue
Introduction This page will allow you to see the emails you have created by a bulk email communication. This will also provide you with a status report against each individual email. User Permissions The specific user permission needs to be enabled to all
Features include: Improved compliance Faster completions Increased retention Create opportunities Deep customer data User-friendly dashboards How to configure finova CRM with finova Client Portal:
Burrow On-Boarding
Features include: Customisable white-labelling options including own URL Intelligent and simplified dialogue to extract appropriate information from your clients Includes product, eligibility and criteria sourcing to produce a final mortgage report Notifi
Burrow Release 1.90.0
Introduction These software release notes cover all system modifications for this version of the Burrow system. The release notes list the bug fixes and known issues provided in this release and are aimed at operational users of the system. These release
Burrow Release 1.91.0
Introduction These software release notes cover all system modifications for this version of the Burrow system. The release notes list the bug fixes and known issues provided in this release and are aimed at operational users of the system. These release
Burrow Release 1.92.0
Introduction These software release notes cover all system modifications for this version of the Burrow system. The release notes list the bug fixes and known issues provided in this release and are aimed at operational users of the system. These release
Burrow Retention
Features: User friendly digital form Personalised User Dashboard and Mortgage Report Clarity on affordability, eligibility and products/rates Engage and convert website visitors Qualify enquiries Collect deep applicant data upfront
CCall Centre StaffAccessing Call Centre Staff Click on Management on the top navigation bar. Click on Call Centre's on the lower navigation bar Select the Call Centre that uguCall Centre Staff member is associated to. Select the 'Staff' tab within your Call Centres profile
Call Centres
Viewing and Editing Call Centre records:- Click on Management on the top navigation bar. Click on Call Centre's on the lower navigation bar. image2017-6-12_15-52-54.png Add / Edit Call Centre Details image2017-6-12_15-54-17.png Refer to the 'Call Centre S
Cancellation Reasons
eKeeper CRM Knowledge BaseCancellation Reasons System SettingsCancellation Reasons How to add a new Cancellation Reason This page will show you your list of Cancellation Reasons. Clicking the New Cancellation Reason button will bring you to the editing pa
Cancelling a Product and Commission Claw back
As you move your product on through the different statuses, you will eventually notice that below the Commission Details link in the commission options panel a Cancel this product link will appear (figure 35). If your product cancels for any reason click
Case Abandoned Reasons
eKeeper CRM Knowledge BaseCase Abandoned Reasons System SettingsCase Abandoned Reasons How to create a new Case Abandoned Reason This page will display a list of Case Abandoned Reasons. Clicking the New Case Abandoned Reason will bring you to the editing
Change Email Address Burrow Portal automated emails
Introduction This guide will help you customise the email address your customer will see when they receive their Burrow portal email communications. Step 1 : The first step is to decide what email address to use for the Burrow portal email updates. Most c
Client and Sales Management
Client and Sales Management
Client Bank
Accessing the Client Bank Click on CLIENTS on the top navigation bar it will automatically take you to the client bank The Client Bank displays both personal and company clients. image2017-6-13_12-59-48.png
Common Toolbox Errors
image-20240807-144325.png If you see the message shown above, this is more than likely caused by the API Key, Please log in to Toolbox and generate a new API key and add it to your integration setup under your user profile on the CRM. If you are unsure ho
Communicating Logins
Email/SMS communication of portal logins Within your eKeeper CRM system there are unique merge fields for the customers ID and password You can create an email/SMS template that contains the merge fields, this will then advise the customer of their porta
Communication and Marketing Templates
Still under construction
View and Edit Company Records:- Click on Management on the top navigation bar. Click on Companies on the lower navigation bar. This section allows pu to track which company is used to submit business. The table below displays all active companies and each
Company Applicant
Header Name Description Format Information Mandatory Field 1-LegalStatus Company Legal Status PK Number https://ekeepergroup.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ESD/pages/2363785289/Company+Applicant#Legal-Status-values 1-CompanyName Business Name EKeeper Group Yes
Company Branches
View and Edit Company Branch Records:- Click on Management on the top navigation bar. Click Company Branches, under 'Companies' on the lower navigation bar. This table displays all active Company Branches. Each company branch record stores information rel
Company Client Overview
Accessing a Client Overview;- Select the 'View' icon within the Client bank to open a Company Client file. Files open by default to the 'Company Client Overview' screen when the 'View' icon is selected The company overview captures information relevant to
Company Client Portfolio
Accessing the Portfolio Page within the Company Overview From the Company Client's Overview Page, click on 'Existing Arrangements' image2017-6-13_13-58-43.png Arrangements with a commission attached cannot be deleted.
Company Client Staff
Accessing the Corporate Client Staff Page;- Click on 'Clients' on the top navigation bar. It will automatically take you to the client bank. Click 'View/ on your 'Corporate Client'. Select 'Staff from 'Overview/ on the bottom navigation bar. image2017-6-1
Company Staff
This section refers to the set up of your Company Staff. Set up includes creating new Company Staff; linking Company Staff to a Company Branch/es; and the configuration of Staff Viewing Rights and User Access Controls. Viewing and Editing Company Staff Pr
Confidential Documents
You can store confidential documents with other system users in a number of places in SENRO. This section refers to documents that do not relate to a client's personalor product details. Accessing Confidential Documents Select 'Confidential Documents' und
Configuring Document Manager
Configuring and Accessing the Document Manager Select 'Configuration ' on the top navigation bar Select 'Documents and Tasks ' The Document Manager enables you to manage your business processes within SENRO. Configure this section to record important deta
Connect Email Address - Office365 Email Setup
Introduction This article covers how to connect your email addresses to your CRM, allowing you to send outgoing emails from your CRM. The most common email service provider is Office365, which is covered in this article. If you email service provider is G
Contact Controls
Accessing Contact Controls Click on "Contact Controls" under the "Personal Details" tab. This is accessible through both personal and company client profiles. Contact Controls enables you to create and set bespoke contact restrictions around your clients.
Contact Controls (Company/Corporate)
Accessing Contact Controls Click on "Contact Controls" under the "Personal Details" tab. This is accessable through both personal and company client profiles. Contact Controls enables you to create and set bespoke contact restrictions around your clients.
Creating new Contacts and Accessing stored Contacts;- Select 'Maintenance' on the upper navigation bar. Select 'Contacts'on the lower navigation bar. You can create contacts for a number of business categories and types. We believe that you should never e
Convert Prospects to Client
Accessing the Convert Function;- Click on 'Prospect Bank' under the 'Prospect' tab. Select the Prospect record. Click on the 'Convert button'. Completing Mandatory Fields;- If from the page above a client match is found, selecting to 'Merge' a prospect an
Converting Contacts to Company Clients
All companies are stored in SENRO once so you can associate relationships between employers and company clients. When entering a client's 'Occupation', the employer's details are stored in SENRO's maintenance section under 'CONTACTS'. Converting Employers
Corporate Client Details
Corporate Client Details
Create a New User
Introduction This guide will show you how to create and maintain new users in your CRM. In order for your staff members to have access to your CRM they must be setup as a user in the system. Each user must also have a license assigned to them before they
Create and Match
Create and Match
Create and Match.
Accessing Create and Match Click on 'Create and Match' undertheClients tab within the main navigation bar. The 'Create and Match' tool enables you to run a duplication check on a new referral before it is entered into the system asa new Clientor Prospect.
Creating a new introducer profile
Introduction A CRM users with the Can customise portal permission enabled has the ability to log-in to an Administration area of the portal. From this area they are able to create and edit existing ‘Profiles’, by changing the name and uploading a header l
Creating an E-mail Template
Introduction This article will guide you through setting up and maintaining your e-mail templates with your CRM. The CRM’s flexible template system will allow you and your team to effectively communicate with your clients, removing the need to reproduce c
Creating an E-mail Template - Unlayer
Introduction Introducing one of our latest additions - a new Email Template editor powered by Unlayer Editor. Now you can effortlessly create contemporary and polished email templates, and enhance your headings and text with the power of A.I ! Enable Here
Creating Case Abandon Reasons
When your product is not proceeding for any reason, eKeeper allows you to set a 'Case Abandon Reason' against your product. This allows you to record a reason for the case not proceeding. Additionally when abandoning a case you can automatically move the
Creating Letter Templates
eKeeper CRM Knowledge BaseLetters Introduction This article will cover everything you need to know to setup a letter template within the ekeeper system. A letter template is a power tool that enables you to have a standard suite of letters which will auto
Creating new Custom Fields
Contents Introduction This article will explain how you can create new custom fields against your products Finding the custom fields settings menu To begin click the System Settings button located in your top navigation bar image2017-10-19_9-36-17.png Fig
Creating Search Views
Introduction Your report criteria will display the matching Cases and Products, the Search View chosen determines what data is shown from each of these. You are able to amend the Search View to suit your requirements User Permissions The specific user per
Credit History
Accessing the Credit History Page within the Client Overview;- Select the 'Personal Details' located on the bottom navigation bar. Select 'Credit History' image2017-6-13_13-31-0.png
Custom Fields eKeeper CRM Knowledge BaseCustom Fields System SettingsCustom Fields How to create a new Custom Field Clicking on the Add a new custom field button will bring you to the editing page where you can: Sequence No: Choose where the new field appears on the li
Customer Alerts
Introduction This page will help you create customer alerts. User Permissions The specific user permission needs to be enabled to allow users to ‘edit customer notifications’ Home > System Settings > User Permission Groups & Set Permissions > Click edit o
Customer Custom Fields
eKeeper CRM Knowledge BaseCustomer Custom FieldsSystem SettingsCustomer Custom Fields What are customer Custom Fields? Customer Custom fields allow you to add in additional fields against your applicants on your cases. For example you may wish to add a 'K
DDashboard Guideimage-20210804-095631.png Column Header Description ID This is the unique ID used for each customer in the retention dashboard. Email Customer This is the customer’s email address. Product This is the mortgage type; either residential or buy to let. Amoun
Data Import
Introduction This facility will allow you to import large amounts of data, into your EKeeper CRM, whilst controlling where, who and how the data ends up. note NOTE: The file needs to be in a .CSV format, with plain text, ideally with string values quoted
Diary Entry Statuses
eKeeper CRM Knowledge Base System SettingsDiary Entry Statuses How to create new Diary Entry Statuses Clicking the New Diary Entry Status button will bring you to the editing page where you can: Sequence Number: Choose the order in which the new status ap
Diary Entry Types
eKeeper CRM Knowledge BaseDiary Entry TypesSystem SettingsDiary Entry Types What are diary entry types? Diary entry types can be assigned to diary reminders that you create, this enables you to filter down to show only diary entries for a particular type
Diary Syncing
Introduction Diary entries can be added into your chosen calendar by two methods: Automatically pushed into your calendar (subject to a users' profile having email settings in-place Manually transferring the calendar information by iCal file You have full
Disclaimer Templates
Accessing the Disclaimer Templates;- Click 'Maintenance' on the top navigation bar. Click Add to create a new Disclaimer Template. image2017-6-13_10-19-11.png Creating or Editing a Disclaimer Template;- image2017-6-13_10-19-34.png
Document Libraries (Non Client)
You can store and share documents with other system users in a number of places in SENRO. This section refers to documents that do not relate to a client's personalor product details. Accessing Documents in Notice Board Select 'Notice Board' under the Off
Document Library Entries
Home PageDocument Library Entries System SettingsDocument Library Entries How to add a document to your Document Library Clicking on the New Document Library Entry button will bring you to the new entry page, where you can: Description: The name of your f
Document Notifications
Introduction finova CRM provides functionality whereby a notification will be displayed to the user when a client uploads a document within their finova Client Portal Location Home / System settings / Global Settings The option is held within the Portal S
DocuSign (Account Signup and Setup)
https://developers.docusign.com/ https://developers.docusign.com/ image-20201009-104027.png DocuSign will sends you an email to activate your account. Once you are logged-in to the account, go to: Settings / Apps and Keys / image-20210210-153736.pngimage
DocuSign (User Guide)
Please navigate to System Settings / Global Settings (subject to user permissions) Global_Settings.jpg Additional users need to be created within your DocuSign account, before adding and authorising the user in your EKeeper system: After the above process
DocuSign Integration
Introduction eKeeper have successfully integrated DocuSign’s eSignature functionality into its intermediary focused eKeeper CRM. The feature allows new and existing brokers to sign-up with DocuSign directly and use their own credentials within eKeeper th
EEdit Your DetailseKeeper CRM Knowledge BaseSystem SettingsEdit Your Details Editing Your User Profile Here you can update you user profile, anything from your name to your email signature can be edited on this page. image2021-11-29_14-30-3.png User Details Panel The User
Editing Fact-Find Structures
eKeeper CRM Knowledge BaseEditing Fact-Find StructuresFact-FindEditing Fact-Find Structures This guide provides a brief overview of eKeeper CRM's electronic Fact-Find and how it is structured. Editing Fact-Find Basics To begin editing your Fact-Find navig
Eligible - Mortgage Marketing
Introduction Eligible - Is a mortgage monitoring / marketing tool mortgage brokers can use, it provides a similar service to Dashly https://www.dashly.com/. https://eligible.ai/ https://eligible.ai/ Export Data From eKeeper to Eligible Create a Reports Se
Email Home Page
Adding HTML coded Email Templates https://ekeepergroup.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ESD/pages/3317989395/Adding+HTML+coded+Email+Templates Connect Office365 Email Account https://ekeepergroup.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ESD/pages/2779185184/Office365+Email+Set
Email Marketing Subscription
Introduction This page will allow you to set up and use the unsubscribe to marketing emails link. How to find the system setting Navigate to the Email Templates within System Settings Home > System Settings > Email Templates 3CeLfZT4Dw.png How to set up t
Email Server Details
Setting up Global Email Server Details If you would like to setup your users so that they can send emails out of eKeeper CRM an easy way to do this is via the Email Server Details page. You can also setup individual email server details for your users (s
Embedding Burrow into your Website
Introduction By embedding burrow into your website, you will be able to steer existing and new customers to you site, creating a professional and safe environment to help nurture new enquiries. How to setup Your IT provider will need to create a sub-domai
Enable Active X for Internet Explorer
Home PageEnable Active X for Internet Explorer Internet Explorer is opening Microsoft Edge You may find that you cannot open Internet Explorer because it is opening Microsoft Edge Press ‘Settings & More’ in the top right Default Browser > ‘Let Internet Ex
Enable Microsoft Edge for Document Editing
Introduction This page will allow you to enable Microsoft Edge for Document Editing. Step 1 : Click Here https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/document-editor-launcher/jlgiebagoededdbpmclnglmdlagfpdhe to go to the chrome web store Step 2 : Click on “Ge
Enabling the finova CRM Fact Find for the finova Client Portal
Use the Enter Fact Find to begin image-20210714-145339.png Select the fact find to use and Continue image-20210714-145611.png You are able to complete/check fact find questions, sections and pages, prior to making this available to the client Click on the
Enabling the portal for your Client
The client must be an applicant on the product note NOTE: Ensure the customers email has not already been registered with the finova Client Portal NOTE: Ensure the customers email has not already been registered with the finova Client Portal image-2021071
Error Reporting
We continually review our system to deliver new tools designed to streamline efficiency in your business and increase productivity. When building these new features we carefully review the database and implement testing procedures, so SENRO continues to b
FFact find configurationClick 'Configuration' in the top navigation bar. Then select 'Fact Find Configuration' on the lower navigation. image2017-6-13_11-32-24.png Configure your Fact Find with SENRO to suit the needs of your Network and also your Business practices. Choose to c
Fact Find Mapping
Introduction This guide will take you through the process of mapping a question in the finova Client Portal on-boarding fact find, into your finova CRM Fact Find note NOTE Please ensure you have the following user permission turned-on against your user gr
Fact-find Basics Contents Introduction The eKeeper fact-find can be used to gather your customer's details an information relevant to the application you are processing. You have the capability to edit the fact-find's structure i.e the questions you ask your customers. T
Fact-find Structure(s)
eKeeper CRM Knowledge BaseFact-find Structure(s)System SettingsFact-find Structure(s) How to customise the fact-find To begin you must first decide on which facft-find structure you wish to edit (see right). Your system may show more or less structures th
File Categories
eKeeper CRM Knowledge Base System SettingsFile Categories What is a File Category? When attaching a file to case, you are given the option of assigning it a category, this page will allow you to manage your list of categories. How to add a new File Categ
Filling out the Fact-find on a product
Introduction This guide will show you how to utilise a fact-find to obtain information about your client and the product you are processing for them. Information Ekeeper Fact-finds are a list of pages, which contain sections and questions. The questions
finova Client Portal
Features include: Fact finding Secure Document requests and uploads Client acknowledgement of documents Client E-Sign of documents How to use the finova Client Portal
GGeneral Case ManagementGeneral Case Management
Generating a Fact-find (Senro sales tools)
You must first configure a fact find, before a fact find can be completed for a client. Accessing the Fact Find Tools;- Open the relevant Client file. Click on 'Fact Find' from the Sales Process dropdown on the button navigation bar. image2017-6-13_14-11-
Getting Started
On this page you will find links to guides that are helpful for getting your eKeeper system initially set up. Video Guides How to login: Creating system user(s): Creating a New Case + Applicant(s): Finding your customer: Updating a customer product(s): Us
Give us Feedback
If you are wanting to suggest an improvent to the system then click on the “Raise an Issue” button inside of the eKeeper service desk. image-20201019-155141.png Once you have clicked on the button you will be presented with the form below to fill in. imag
Gmail Account Connection
Important Currently this integration does not support the Inbound Email or Diary Sync functionality. Introduction This article covers setting up your user profile on the finova CRM so that you can send emails out of your system. Note The screenshots displ
Gmail SMTP Email Setup
The eKeeper system allows a user to added their Gmail email account details, in order to send out-bound emails from the CRM, via your Gmail email server. This is done by using the Gmail SMTP details, which allow a third party (EKeeper) connection. WARNING
HHead Office BranchesAccessing the Head Office Branch Section Select 'Management' contained with the main navigation. Select 'Head Office' from the 'Management' drop down menu. Select 'Head Office Branches' for the tabs available within 'Head Office'. After your 'Primary Head
Head Office Details
Viewing and Editing Head Office Details:- Click on Management on the top navigation bar. Click on Head Office on the lower navigation bar. Each SENRO subscriber can store a single head office record. Each head office can have multiple branches, divisions
Head Office Staff
Accessing the Head Office Staff Section Select 'Management' contained with the main navigation. Select 'Head Office' from the 'Management' drop down menu. Select 'Head Office Staff' from the tabs available within 'Head Office'. After your 'Primary Head Of
Health and ID Page
Accessing the Health and ID Page within the Client Overview;- Select 'Health and ID' locatatedin within 'Personal Details' on the bottom navigation bar. image2017-6-13_13-32-28.png 'Add New Surgery' stores all details with the 'Contacts' section located
Home Page
image2021-10-28_13-1-23.png image2019-10-18_12-37-53.png https://ekeepergroup.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ESD/pages/772505622/eKeeper+Webinars DownloadTeamviewer-1.png https://get.teamviewer.com/6t6zvvv gettingStarted.png Getting Started Creating new Cases
Home Screen
Accessing the Home Screen;- When you log into SENRO you will automatically enter the home page. Alternatively, click on Home on the top navigation bar. The home page provides an overview of the number of activities due per user. exclusive to Company and H
How do I add a commission to a mortgage product?
Introduction This short and easy guide will explain to you how to add a commission due amount against a mortgage product. User Permission(s) No Permissions Required How to enter commission: Product Details To add a commission value against your mortgage p
How do I Produce Reports?
Introduction How to use reports and search views (Webinar Video) Watch Here https://register.gotowebinar.com/recording/6741817588562276365 The Reports system is a search engine that is a great way to filter information stored on your eKeeper CRM. Perhaps
How to Assign Licence to a User (Maintain MortgageKeeper Licence)
How to manage your licences Your finova licences are what ensure your user's can log into your finova CRM. If a user does not have an allocated licenses then the user will be prompted with a message stating that they are not logged in. The Maintain Mortga
How to Connect Leads Into The CRM System From An External Source
Introduction This information page provides the links to the resources an IT services contractor/developer would need to connect an external source, such as a website submission form to the eKeeper (finova) CRM system. *Connection via HTTP Posting & API i
How to Copy The Fact Find to a Another Product
Introduction Watch the video below to see how you can copy an existing Fact Find from one product tab to another. Click to Expand Copy a factfind.mp4
How to delete client records on SENRO
The video below shows you how to delete client records on SENRO: How to delete client records on SENRO.mp4
How to import your .CSV file
Introduction This guide will talk you through how to import the data into your EKeeper CRM. Please ensure your have read and followed the guides on how to prepare you data for import. Once enabled, you will have the feature available within the system set
How to import your data (Webinar video)
Introduction EKeeper look to run regular webinars, covering all aspects of the system. To see what is scheduled for the future, head to our website https://www.ekeepergroup.co.uk/support/webinars/ to see and register. Additionally, we keep a library of pa
How to Invite Applicant 2 to finova Client Portal
Introduction When you have two applicants on a case, this guide will show you how to send a Finova Client Portal invite email to ‘Applicant 2', allowing them to create a Finova Client Portal login, allowing both ‘Applicant 1’ & 'Applicant 2’ to login and
How to login
Navigate to the burrow page and select the Login button, located in the top-right of the screen. Location: Lets Burrow https://report.letsburrow.com/login image-20210804-153125.png Now sign-in with your email address and password. If you do not recall you
How to prepare your data for import
Bulk Upload Excel CSV Template This guide will take you through how to prepare your data within the provided CSV template. This will include notes on how the information needs to be formatted, along with sample primary key (PK) information, based on the s
How to resize your images for email signatures/templates
How to set up Document, Email and SMS templates (Webinar Video)
Introduction EKeeper look to run regular webinars, covering all aspects of the system. To see what is scheduled for the future, head to our website https://www.ekeepergroup.co.uk/support/webinars/ to see and register. Additionally, we keep a library of pa
How to set up users (Webinar Video)
Introduction EKeeper look to run regular webinars, covering all aspects of the system. To see what is scheduled for the future, head to our website https://www.ekeepergroup.co.uk/support/webinars/ to see and register. Additionally, we keep a library of pa
How to Show Multiple Products on Finova Client Portal
Introduction A customer’s case contains all the products they have taken with you, this guide will show you how to share the tasks & details of multiple products to the Finova Client Portal. How to show multiple product Step 1: Navigate to the applicant(s
How to upload your retention data
Obtaining the data from your finova CRM Navigate to reports Select mortgage product Select ‘Product Expiry Date’ Then, set a date range from ‘Today’ to ‘6 Months Ahead’ Navigate to search view options (bottom of the page) and select ‘Burrow Retention View
How to use Commissions (Webinar Videos)
Introduction EKeeper look to run regular webinars, covering all aspects of the system. To see what is scheduled for the future, head to our website https://www.ekeepergroup.co.uk/support/webinars/ to see and register. Additionally, we keep a library of pa
How to use Fact-Find (Webinar Videos)
Introduction EKeeper look to run regular webinars, covering all aspects of the system. To see what is scheduled for the future, head to our website https://www.ekeepergroup.co.uk/support/webinars/ to see and register. Additionally, we keep a library of pa
How to use Portal (Webinar Video)
Introduction EKeeper look to run regular webinars, covering all aspects of the system. To see what is scheduled for the future, head to our website https://www.ekeepergroup.co.uk/support/webinars/ to see and register. Additionally, we keep a library of pa
How to use reports and search views (Webinar Video)
Introduction EKeeper look to run regular webinars, covering all aspects of the system. To see what is scheduled for the future, head to our website https://www.ekeepergroup.co.uk/support/webinars/ to see and register. Additionally, we keep a library of pa
How to use Service Desk
Use the following link to access the service desk. https://ekeepergroup.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portals https://ekeepergroup.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portals Once you click on the link you will be presented with the image below. Your
HTTP Posting
Introduction In order to post values from a form on a website you must do a number of things to ensure that eKeeper accepts those values. Your form must be written in PHP programming language and you must post to a particular place in your system. You can
HTTP Posting - Available Fields
Introduction Every value you post into eKeeper needs to be posted into a particular field. The most common field names are listed below with a description and an example of how the code may look in your HTTP posting script. note Hint All of the fields on
HTTP Posting - Consent Fields
For applicant one, please use the value 1 at the end of the field name. For example: Applicant 1 = EssentialConsentLevelGiven1 Applicant 2 = EssentialConsentLevelGiven2 The table below uses Applicant 1 by default for each field. Field Description Essentia
HTTP Posting - Getting Started
Starting your form To begin with there are some mandatory items that need to be in your form, to help we have included an example form at the top of this guide. The first step is to initialise your post variables, this includes the URL, or web address, t
II Cannot LoginLogin Error If you are seeing this 'Login Error' message, one of the following is happening:- The Username is incorrect The Password is incorrect Your user profile is not Active You user profile no longer holds a Licence against it Check your username, as
Accessing the Impersonate page;- Select 'Management' from within the main navigation bar. Select 'Impersonate 'from the lower navigation bar. Access to this section is dependent on your system navigation rights. Refer to the Access Controls user guide for
Inbound Emails
eKeeper CRM Knowledge BaseEmail Home PageInbound Emails eKeeper CRM has on optional inbound email functionality to supplement the outbound email service You will need to advise eKeeper Support so we can enable this functionality on your CRM prior to activ
Install Chrome Extension for Letter Editing
Installing the eKeeper extension IMPORTANT: How to switch over to using the Chrome Extension The eKeeper system can now automatically detect what browser you are using and will automatically switch if you are using Google Chrome. All you need to do is to
Introduction Welcome to the current list of partners we currently integrate with:
Interest Rate Type
eKeeper CRM Knowledge Base System SettingsInterest Rate Type How to create a new Interest Rate Type To add a new Interest Rate Type click on the New Interest Rate Type button. This will bring you to the editing page where you can add a description of the
Internet Explorer is Missing on Windows 10
Microsoft announced on May 19, 2021 that the Internet Explorer 11 desktop application will be retired and go out of support on June 15, 2022, for certain versions of Windows 10. https://blogs.windows.com/windowsexperience/2021/05/19/the-future-of-internet
Internet Explorer Mode for Microsoft Edge
How to enable Internet Explorer Mode for Microsoft Edge image-20220121-160002.png 1 - Press the Windows button on your keyboard 2 - Type/search for ‘Internet Options’ image-20220121-155444.png 3 - Add your site to trusted sites eg. https://example.ekeeper
Introducer Branches
From the selected Introducer Company, click on the Branches tab Each Introducer Branch must be linked to a Company and Adviser so that leads and referrals are allocated to the appropriate adviser image2017-6-12_16-19-26.png Click Edit to view or amend bra
Introducer Staff
From the selected Introducer Company, click on the Staff tab Click Add to create Introducer Staff image2017-6-12_16-26-5.png Individual Details When you have created a new Introducer Staff u will be able to enter staff individual details image2017-6-12_16
Accessing Introducer Pages Click on Management on the top navigation bar. Click on Introducer Companies on the lower navigation bar. image2017-6-12_16-12-59.png Adding a new Introducer Company Click Add to create an Introducer Company as shown above image
Introduction to POS Navigation
Point of Sale — Mortgage Search POS Navigation Introduction The POS Navigation has a structure that shows the user where they are in the POS Search along with providing an understanding of what fields need to be completed within each tab before progrssing
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LLabel ManagementWe have introduced more drop down menus to 'Label Management, Simply click the view button to access the label of choice and then ADD an appropriate label name. Accessing the Label Management Section;- Click on 'Maintenance' on the top navigation bar. Cli
Lender Searchs
Still under construction
Letter Groups
How to create letter groups To create a new letter group, click Add New Letter Group in the navigation bar at the bottom of the page. Sequence Number: Choose the order that the Letter Group appears on the list Description - Add the name of the new letter
Letter Groups View permissions
Home PageLetter Groups View permissionsUser Groups & Set PermissionsLetter Groups View permissions How to edit Letter Group View permissions Letters can be grouped in the system under headings for example 'Fact-find letters', 'IDD's' 'Insurance Letters' e
Linking finova Client Portal statuses to finova CRM Stages
Introduction This guide will take you through the process of mapping finova CRM stages to the finova Client Portal Statuses User Permission Home > System Settings > User Permission Groups & Set Permissions > Edit (against the user group you wish to update
Linking Supporting Documents from the finova CRM to the finova Client Portal
Introduction This guide will take you through the process of mapping Supporting Documents in your finova CRM and linking these to the finova Client Portal for client upload Location Navigate to the following screen: Home / System Settings / Supporting Doc
List Sent Messages
eKeeper CRM Knowledge BaseSystem SettingsList Sent Messages How to view SMS messages sent from eKeeper CRM To view the messages that your users have sent out from case/products in eKeeper CRM simply select a date range you wish to report by and press the
Logging into Senro
Before you begin using SENRO, you will be given a USERNAME and PASSWORD. Please keep it confidential. If you lose or need to change your password, it can be reset by a member of your management team within the 'System Access' tab of the user's Profile. En
Login Activation
Home PageLogin ActivationPortalsLogin Activation Activating the Login Within the applicant/introducer profile access the 'Portal Access' tab and tick the radio button to enable access for this user portal access.png Enter a User ID (defaults to their emai
MMaintain Birthday CommunicationsIntroduction This page will demonstrate how to set up Birthday Communications. User Permissions The specific user permission needs to be enabled to maintain birthday communications. Home > System Settings > User Permission Groups & Set Permissions > Click
Maintain Permitted IP addresses
eKeeper CRM Knowledge BaseSystemSettings.png How to maintain permitted IP addresses? What are permitted IP addresses? Permitted IP addresses are the network addresses that user's are able access your eKeeper CRM from. So if somebody attempts to login to y
Maintenance Section
Maintenance Section
Make a General Request
To make a general request regarding your system such as updating your company logo then click the “Make a General Request” button inside of the eKeeper service desk. image-20201019-154835.png Once you have clicked on the button you will be presented with
Managing your Client's Cases
Home PageManaging your Client's CasesGetting StartedManaging your Client's Cases Stages This video guide will show you how to manage your Stages within your eKeeper CRM Diary Entries This video guide will show you how to manage your Diary Entries within y
Marketing and Reporting
Running a search and Exporting the Data In order to export data from the system, you can do so via the Marketing search feature. You can start by navigating to "Marketing", then "Searches". This will bring up a list of categories you can run the report ag
Merge Field List
Home.pngback.png Templates Emails / Letters Contents Introduction This article lists all the available (standard) merge fields in the eKeeper CRM. The merge fields listed here are standard merge fields only and do not include any merge fields that have b
Mortgage Managers
Mortgage/Commercial Product The following column header will determine the first product, which will be assigned to the applicant(s) case. The upload will fail if it doesn't match with a product name (See Product Type/Name values). Header Name Description Format Information Mandator
Move products
Introduction This feature allows a user to move an applicant’s product from one case to another. For example, an applicant might have two separate cases with you, one for his personal products e.g. Main Home, individual protection and family protection. T
NNew and Existing ClientsNew and Existing Clients
New and Existing Prospects
New and Existing Prospects
New Company Client
Accessing the New Company Client Page;- Select 'Clients' from the top navigation bar, this will automatically take you to the client bank. Select 'Add Company Client' from the dropdown menu. Complete the details and select 'Save'. image2017-6-13_13-6-22.p
New Personal Clients
Accessing the New Personal Client Screen Select 'Clients' on the top navigation bar. Select 'New Client' on the bottom navigation bar. image2017-6-13_13-4-46.png Fields marked with a red asterix such as Title, First name, Surname, Date of Birth are mandat
New Prospect
Creating a New Prospect Click 'New Prospect' under the Prospect tab image2017-6-13_11-50-4.png Prospect Overview Click 'Prospect Bank' under the Prospects tab within the main navigation bar. Click 'View' for the desired prospect file. image2017-6-13_11-50
NEW! Finova Customer Portal
Introduction We are pleased to announce the first phase of our ALL NEW secure customer portal, which will consolidate and improve all the features of our previous portal versions into a smoother more reliable updated version. NOTE: Previous versions of ou
Note Templates
Accessing the Note Templates Select 'Maintenance' on the top navigation bar Then click on 'Notes Templates' image2017-6-13_10-21-24.png Adding or Editing a Note Template;- image2017-6-13_10-21-45.png
OOccupationsAccessing the Occupations Section;- Access the 'Client Overview'. Select 'Occupations' from the 'Personal Details' drop down menu. The Summary Tab;- image2017-6-13_13-35-9.png You are able to store multiple 'Occupations' within SENRO butonly one can selec
Office365 - Whitelist eKeeper Software for email use
Step 1: Log in to Microsoft Office 365 using the administrator account. image2021-2-9_15-45-37.png From the top menu select Admin > Exchange to open Exchange Admin Center. 1_zpsqlqsonej.png Step 2: In Exchange You Will Find The Mail flow Tab On The Left
Optimus - Conveyancing Integration
Introduction Instruct a Conveyancer in just one click knowing you are recommending a high-quality solicitor. Manage and track the whole process through your eKeeper system Receive £100.00 for every purchase and £200.00 for each Sale & Purchase. For more i
Optimus Text User Guide
Please navigate to System Settings / Global Settings (subject to user permissions) image-20201123-182210.png Update each user in your system that requires the Optimus functionality. Please navigate to a case and product. Ensure the following minimum detai
Optimus Video User Guide
Organisational Structure Organisational Structure
Ownership Transfer Authorisation
Accessing Ownership Transfers Select "Ownership Transfers" under the "Management" tab contained within either the main navigation bar. SENRO users have the ability to request ownership to clients and prospect that are stored within SENRO but outside their
Ownership Transfers
Requesting an ownership transfer Ownership transfers can be requested through 'Create and Match' which is located within 'Clients' within the main navigation bar. A SENRO user can have restrictions around their client viewing rights. If an existing client
PPage SettingsAccessing the Page Settings Select 'Configuration' on the top navigation bar Then click on 'Page Settings ' Printer margin settings are not controlled by SENRO. To ena ble pu to print a letter with the correct margin settings we have provided 'Page Settin
Participant Clubs
eKeeper CRM Knowledge Base System SettingsParticipant Clubs How to create a new Participant Club Clicking the Create New Participant Club will bring you to the editing screen where you can name your new participant club and decide to make it active or in-
Participant commission profile
Introduction This guide will explain how you you can setup your outgoing commission payments. Outgoing commission payments in eKeeper CRM are handled using participants. You can use participants to setup rules for how their payments are automatically calc
Participant Custom Fields
eKeeper CRM Knowledge Base System SettingsParticipant Custom Fields What are Participant Custom Fields? When adding and editing a participant you may find you have extra information you want to store but nowhere to store it. eKeeper CRM allows you to crea
Participant Firms
eKeeper CRM Knowledge BaseParticipant Firms System SettingsParticipant Firms How to add a new Participant Firm Clicking the New Participant Firm button will bring you to the editing page where you can: Participant Network: Select which Network the Firm be
Participant Networks
eKeeper CRM Knowledge BaseParticipant Networks System SettingsParticipant Networks How to add a new Participant Network Clicking on the New Participant Network button will bring you to the editing screen where you can edit the name, description and whethe
Participant Types
Home PageParticipant Types System SettingsParticipant Types How to add new Participant Types Click on the New Participant Type button, this will bring you to the editing page where you can: Description: The name of the participant type Sequence No.: The o
Participant View Permissions
Introduction Update the permissions for each user group, this can be limited to ALL or OWN participants within the address book. For example, you can have a mortgage adviser only see participants associated with them and hide everything else, such as anot
Password Reset - Setup
Introduction You can manually reset your password by setting up your license specific security question and answer. WARNING The service desk will not reset your password without taking you through security protocols, which will include verification from y
Password Reset Process
Introduction You can manually reset your password by setting up your license specific security question and answer. WARNING The service desk will not reset your password without taking you through security protocols, which will include verification from t
Personal Client Address History Accessing the Address History Page: Access the 'Client O verviev/. Select 'Addresses 'from the 'Personal Details' dropdown. SENRO stores historical addresses for both residential and correspondence. If you enter a correspondence address, this will be used
Personal Client Details
Personal Client Details
Personal Client Overview
Accessing a Client Overview Select the 'View' icon within the Client bank to open a Client file. Client files open by default to the 'Client Overview' screen upon selecting the 'View' icon image2017-6-13_13-25-43.png The 'Client Overview' provides a singl
Personal Client Portfolio Page
Accessing the Portfolio Page From the Client's Overview Page, click on 'Client Portfolio' held under existing arrangements image2017-6-13_13-44-35.png Arrangements with a commission associated to them cannot be deleted.
Point of Sale summary
Introduction to Mortgage Search The mortgage search section is a 'Comparison Tool' that allows you to search for lenders mortgage products and check the clients qualification and affordability. This section of the user-guide covers;- What is 'POS'? This m
Policy Types
eKeeper CRM Knowledge BasePolicy Types System SettingsPolicy Types Creating new Policy Types This page allows you to maintain your Policy Types. Click the Add New Policy Type button, this will bring you to the Edit Policy Type page where you can edit the
Portal Lead Email Notifications
Introduction This page will help you create an email notification when a new lead has been submitted through your portal system. User Permissions The specific user permission needs to be enabled to allow users to edit the global notification preferences.
Introduction Your portal provides customers and introducers the opportunity to access cases when permitted to do so.
POS - Entering Search Criteria
Point of Sale — Mortgage Search Entering your Search Criteria Search Criteria:- In the below screen enter the clients Search Criteria, once Search Criteria is completed, click on the 'Security Details Tab: image2017-6-13_15-19-19.png The Lender List appea
POS - Reviewing and Selecting Products
Reviewing and Selecting your Product/s Summary The Summary tab will provide a Summary of Search Details and a preview of Results returned. Once the summary has been reviewed, proceed to the Results tab. image2017-6-13_15-24-33.png POS-Toolbox In the "Sear
POS - Serviceability
Point of Sale — Mortgage Search Tools Serviceability The Serviceability tool will provide Maximum Borrowing Capacity Calculations based on Lender & Product specific rules. Maximum Borrowing Capacity appears throughout POS Mortgage Search, the Serviceabili
Postcode Prefix Search
Introduction This page will allow you to search for a customer by their postcode prefix. User Permissions The specific user permission needs to be enabled to allow users to access and run reports. Home > System Settings > User Permission Groups & Set Perm
Printing Labels
Step 1 - Generate a search In order to generate some labels we first need to build a search in Senro. The search provides us with a list of customers who fit a particular set of criteria. To create a search follow the below instructions: Under Field selec
Product Fields View Permissions
Introduction Update the permissions for each field against a product, this can be limited to ALL or SOME of your user groups. For example, you can have a protection adviser only see product they can advise on, and hide everything else, such as mortgage pr
Product Groups
eKeeper CRM Knowledge Base System SettingsProduct Groups How to create a new Product Group As well as being able to create your own products in eKeeper CRM, you can class them into Groups. Click the New Product Group button, to create a new group. You ca
Product Panel Layout
Contents Introduction This guide will show you how to customise your Product Panel layout. When you add a product to a case, the application details of that product are divided into easy-to-read panels. For example you may wish for the Action History pan
Product Panels
Contents Introduction eKeeper CRM displays application information in bite-size sections, known as Product Panels. These include panels such as Application Details, Product Details, Case Notes, Document History and Diary Entries. Many are self explanatory
Product Relationships
Home PageProduct Relationships System SettingsProduct Relationships How to create a new Product Relationship Clicking on the New Product Relationship button will bring you to the editing page. Here you can choose a sequence number (the order it appears on
Product Setup
Each guide below will take you through how you can customise your products & workflow. Product Setup
Product View Permissions
Introduction Update the permissions for each product, this can be limited to ALL or SOME of your products. For example, you can have a protection adviser only see product they can advise on, and hide everything else, such as mortgage products. User Permis
Product workflow
In order to follow this guide, your user will need to have the permission "Can maintain stages" enabled Getting Started Introduction Your workflow appears on the homepage in your eKeeper CRM and allows you to see an overview of the number of products you
Contents Introduction This page will walk you through the function of each option on the Product Setup Page. image2021-11-26_14-25-45.png -Product Setup Permissions Needed The permissions needed should be covered by default ‘Super-User’ access, if you can
Prospect Bank
Accessing the Prospect Bank;- Select 'Prospects' from within the main navigation. Select 'Prospect Bank' from the Prospects drop down menu, or from the secondary navigation The Prospect Bank provides a centric view of all prospects held within your system
Prospect Files
Prospect Files
Prospect Overview
Accessing the Prospect Overview Select 'Prospect Bank' under the 'Prospects' tab within the main navigation bar. Select 'View 'for the selected prospect file. Prospects can be used for storing individuals that have not been qualified, for example pre-firs
Protection Product
The following column header will determine the second product, which will be assigned to the applicant(s) case. The upload will fail if it doesn't match with a product name (See Product Type/Name values). Header Name Description Format Information Mandato
NOTE: The providers must be created prior to adding arrangements and assigned to the business categories they support. A provider must have at least one branch linked to it. Branches can be used as divisions or teams. NOTE: Refer to the bulk change tool f
Purpose of Loans
Home PagePurpose of Loans System SettingsPurpose of Loans How to add a new Purpose of Loan This page allows you to manage your Purpose of Loans. Clicking the New Purpose of Loan button will bring you to the Add New Purpose of Loan page. Here you can: Choo
Q |
RRaising an IssueIf you are experiencing issues with the eKeeper system not working as you expected then click on the “Raise an Issue” button inside of the eKeeper service desk. image-20201019-155411.png Once you have clicked on the button you will be presented with the f
Recording Commissions Against Participants
Now that you know how to record the payments you receive from your lender or providers the next logical step is to pay off your participants. To recap so far we have created our participants, for example introducers, advisers, estate agents etc... We have
Recording commissions from a provider
Now that you know how to setup your commissions for your products you can begin to record payments once your products hit a commissionable status. For the mortgage your case must have hit a completion stage and for your other products the status must be s
Related Products
eKeeper CRM Knowledge BaseRelated ProductsWhats New in eKeeper CRM?Related Products Whats New in eKeeper CRM? Contents Introduction A related product, is a product that has a relationship with another product. eKeeper CRM enables an associative relationsh
Relationships Page
Accessing the Relationships Page: Access the 'Client Overview. Select 'Relationships' from the 'Personal Details' dropdown menu. The relationship screen displays the links between clients, business associates, family members, etc image2017-6-13_12-57-15.p
Relationships Page (clients Overview)
Accessing the Relationships Page: Access the 'Client Overview. Select 'Relationships' from the 'Personal Details' dropdown menu. The relationship screen displays the links between clients, business associates, family members, etc image2017-6-13_13-29-22.p
Release Notes (Broker Platform)
Current Release Release Notes v7.69.0 https://uploads-ssl.webflow.com/6144c0a263976e875d95650d/664c5d51a91cb7521488faa8_Release%20Notes%20v7.69.0_Updated.pdf Useful Link eKeeper CRM Knowledge Base Previous Releases Release Notes v7.67.0 (Released 09/04/20
Release Notes (Burrow)
Burrow Knowledge Base Current Release 1.92.0 (Release Date 04/08/2022) Previous Releases 1.91.0 (Release Date 05/07/2022) # 1.90.0 (Release Date 06/05/2022) #
Repayment Methods
Home PageRepayment Methods System SettingsRepayment Methods How to create new Payment Methods To add your own payment method, click the Add Repayment Method button. This brings you to the New Repayment Method page where you can: Choose the sequence number
Reporting on 'My Commission Pipeline'
This page will help you through how to set up reporting on ‘My Commission Pipeline’ User Permissions The specific user permission needs to be enabled to allow users to ‘Enquire on Incoming Commission’. Home > System Settings > User Permission Groups & Set
Request a New Feature
If you would like to request a quote for a new feature in the system then click the “Request a New Feature” button inside of the eKeeper service desk. image-20201019-155047.png Once you have clicked on the button you will be presented with the form below
Requesting a client to Acknowledge a Document in the finova Client Portal
Use Produce Document to access the saved Document Templates image-20210909-115634.png Select the required document and Produce Letter image-20210909-120129.png In order for the client to be asked to E-Sign or Acknowledge the document (depending on the tem
Requesting the Client to Upload Documents in the finova Client Portal
Navigate to your customer case and open their mortgage product. Next locate the ‘Supporting Documents’ panel. If the item has not already been requested, select the ‘Not Required’ tab at the top of the panel. image-20220124-153621.png On the row(s) contai
Restricting a user to see only their own business
This article is a guide on how to restrict users to only see their own customers. cases and products. This will cover what permissions are used to achieve this and details on how the permissions will affect the users access to data on the system. First of
SSales ToolsSales Tools
Search views
eKeeper CRM Knowledge BaseSystem SettingsSearch views Contents This article contains the following sections Introduction This article will describe how you can create a new search view in your system to use with the reports that you generate out of eKeepe
Searching the Knowledge Base
As well as being able to submit a ticket, you also have a powerful knowledge base at your finger tips. From the Service desk homepage you can use the search box to find a relevant article. You will soon notice that as you begin typing the service desk wil
SENRO: Prospect Imports and Re-importing an Updated Prospect List When Creating a prospect import file, the data in the CSV must mirror the format of the SENRO fields and drop down menus. An example of this is provided within the prospect import section. Accessing the Prospect Import Pageect Import Page;- Select 'Prospe
Service Desk Index
This page is an index of all pages in the Service Desk
Setting up a new User
Note: In order to follow this guide you will need the permission "Can maintain users" enabled for your user Introduction This guide will show you how to create new users in your eKeeper CRM. In order for your staff members to have access to your CRM they
Setting up Document Templates
If the document template you are wanting to create or edit is going to be in word not HTML then you will need to be using Internet Explorer and will need to ensure you ActiveX settings are enabled per the I Can’t Edit my Letters and Templates https://ekee
Setting up Emails to send customers with a payment link
Introduction As with all emails you send from the system, you can add merge fields to pull through certain information from Fact finds, products etc. Cashflows is no different. You may want to send your customer an email with a link that they can click on
Setting up Fees
Introduction This page will demonstrate how you can create a new kind of fee in your eKeeper CRM. User Permissions The specific user permission needs to be enabled to allow users to edit the ‘Can setup fees' Home > System Settings > User Permission Groups
Setting up new participants
Introduction This page will help you create new participants through the address book. User Permissions The specific user permission needs to be enabled to allow users to list participants. Home > System Settings > User Permission Groups & Set Permissions
Setting Up Trust Pilot Review emails using Trust Pilot's AFS (Automatic Feedback Service)
This is a guide to setting up Trust Pilot automatic feedback emails More specifically due to the CRM not supporting BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) when sending out emails. This is a lengthy process with a quite a few important steps But once it is setup it shoul
Setting-up Outgoing SMTP Emails
Introduction This article covers setting up your user profile on the eKeeper CRM so that you can send emails out of your system. Note The screenshots displayed in this article have been taken from our test environment and may appear a little different to
Showing cases on the Portal
Access to view a case on the portal can be limited by the stage or status it is currently at Within the required stage/status use this toggle to allow the case to be seen on the portal Should this be unticked the user will still be able to login to the po
Simple Tasks
A video guide to setting up Simple Tasks in eKeeper CRM How to create Simple Tasks Click the New Simple Task button to create your new simple task. This will bring you to the editing page where you can: Sequence Number: Select the order in which your new
SMS Billing Enquiry & SMS Messages Sent
How to check your SMS invoices To display invoices for SMS messages sent from eKeeper CRM simply change the user and invoice reference dropdown field and click the 'refresh' button. This will then display the appropriate invoice information to the right h
SMS Non-Numeric Sender Details
Due to recent regulatory changes designed to prevent impersonation in scam text messages, any non-numeric SMS sender IDs need to be officially registered using a letter of authority. If you are wanting to use any non-numeric sender ID (Such as your compan
SMS Sender Detail Restrictions
Sender Details– alpha numeric Your message may be blocked if you use any of the generic words listed below in your sender details, or a variation of them. 1TimePin Bank Discount NoReply Repayment SMSVerfiy 2FA Banking Energy Notify Reply Suppor
SMS Templates
How to create new SMS templates Permissions Needed: View SMS Billing Enquiry, SMS Messages Sent, SMS Templates Can maintain SMS Options - permission 288 Enable SMS for User System Settings >> Users / ‘Edit Your Details’ image-20221017-153034.png To create
Solution Builder
Video Guide SolutionBuilderCredentials.mp4Solution Builder eKeeper Solution Builder Credentials Video Guide -Click the above link for a video guide explaining how to add your Solution Builder credentials to eKeeper CRM Getting Started with Solution Builde
Solution Builder Troubleshooting
Please note that if you are having trouble with exporting to Solution Builder in terms of getting the error message saying that you are not logged in to eKeeper. It has come to light that the integration wants the original password that was used when you
Home PageSources System SettingsSources Source Overview Sources in the system allow for more powerful MI - reports can be run on Sources, which allows the user to view where leads are coming from and where they are not. This page allows you to view all ex
Sources (SENRO)
Setting up your Sources Select 'Sources' under the 'Configuration' tab in the top navigation bar. This will open the page for 'Lead Types ' This section gives you the opportunity to create and set up your sources from which your business is generated. Th
Spreadsheet Mappings
Home PageSpreadsheet Mappings System SettingsSpreadsheet Mappings What are spreadsheet mappings? You can load mortgage values into eKeeper CRM using values contained in a spreadsheet. This spreadsheet can either contain details to create a new mortgage or
Stage Groups
What are stage actions These are notifications which appear when the user moves a given product into the specified stage. image-20210209-104902.png Where do I go? Navigate to the system settings area and select the option ‘Products’ image-20210209-105602.
Stage Prerequisites
Introduction The system provides a prerequisites functionality to prevent a user from moving a product into stage until certain predefined criteria has been met. System Settings > Product > Stages (button) > Set Prerequisites next to the stage. The stage
Stage View Permission
Introduction Update the permissions for each stage and user group using the icons under the Permission column. User Permissions Home > System Settings > User Permission Groups & Set Permissions > Edit (against the user group you wish to update). The speci
eKeeper CRM Knowledge BaseStages System SettingsStages How to create a new Stage To create a new stage click on the New Stage button. This brings you to the Add New Stage page. Here you can: Sequence Number: Choose the sequence order (where the stage appe
Status View Permission
Introduction Update the permissions for each protection status and user group using the icons under the Permission column. User Permissions Home > System Settings > User Permission Groups & Set Permissions > Edit (against the user group you wish to update
Submitting Service Desk Tickets
When submitting a ticket you have 6 options to choose from, these are displayed below. It is important to select an appropriate type when submitting a ticket so that your response is dealt with quickly. image-20201019-161245.pngSubmitting Service Desk Ti
Supporting Documents (Ticklist) - Customers Upload Documents to The Portal
Introduction The Support Documents panel found on a case is an area to request and organise key supporting documents relevant to the product you’re working on for a customer. This is the panel where you control which documents you’re requesting your custo
System Configuration
System Configuration
System Settings
eKeeper CRM Knowledge Base Customising eKeeperSystem Settings System Settings To learn more about a System Setting, click on a link below. Can't find a setting? You may find your System Settings page has fewer links than displayed below. Speak to your eK
System Settings Guide
eKeeper CRM Knowledge Base System SettingsSystem Settings Guide WORK IN PROGRESS What are these System Settings? Here you will find generic system wide settings, some that won't necessarily fall into any specific category. Do not attempt to modify these
System Viewing and Access Rights
SENRO Manages comprehensive Viewing Rights and Access Controls to ensure every user can only navigate through permitted sections and pages of the system, and view clients, activities and commissions based on their hierarchy. To explain this in more detai
TTask Manager ConfigurationAccessing the Task Manager Configuration Select 'Configuration' on the top navigation bar Select 'Documents and Tasks' The Task Manager enables pu to manage pur staff processes within SENRO. This creates a specific series of events that pur staff must fol
Task Statuses
How to create a new Task Status To create a new Task Status, click the New Task Status button. This brings you to the editing page where you can: Sequence Status: Choose the order that the task status appears on the list Icon: Select the icon of the task
Accessing Team Details;- Select 'Management' on the top navigation bar. Select 'Teams' on the lower navigation bar. This section can be used for tracking multiple teams. You can create teams for your specific business needs. Teams are groups formed of Hea
eKeeper CRM Knowledge BaseWhats New in eKeeper CRM? Whats New in eKeeper CRM? Introduction eKeeper CRM now has telephony integration capability. This feature allows you to click a number against an applicant on the case and call them via your VOIP phone N
Telephony Provider
eKeeper CRM Knowledge BaseSystem SettingsTelephony Provider How to setup your Telephony Provider details To being navigate to the Telephony menu via System settings. You can find the menu underneath the Document Production, Texting and Telephony section.
Templates Emails / Letters
Ticket Workflow When submitting a ticket with the service desk it will always go through the same process, we have included a transitional diagram below that shows the flow of our processes so that you can see how your ticket will be progressed through the service desk.
eKeeper CRM Knowledge BaseTitlesSystem SettingsTitles How to add new title options for your applicants Applicant titles, such as Mr or Mrs, are listed within this page and can be added to. To add a new fill in the Sequence Number, Title, and Assumed Sex
Toolbox Factfind Integration - Factfind Applicant Selection
This page is a placeholder.
Toolbox Factfind Questions
The ‘Toolbox Factfind’ on Finova CRM Front Cover Front Cover Details Client Name(s) Name of Adviser Date of Fact-Find What type of factfind is this? Date disclosure documents were issued Name of introducer Form of client meeting Customer
Toolbox Integration Set-Up
Introduction This guide is to show you how to enable and set up Toolbox for your CRM Requesting Toolbox The first step that will need to be done if you are wanting to use the finova Broker CRM Toolbox integration is to send us a request either through our
TriGold - Export Troubleshooting
Browser setup video guide.. Below is a video of the guide that follows. This will guide you on how to setup your browser so that you can export your cases to Trigold and so that you can produce letters in the eKeeper CRM. First thing to check.. In order t
Trigold - Import Troubleshooting
Home PageTrigold - Import TroubleshootingGeneral Case ManagementTrigold - Import Troubleshooting Import from Trigold Failing.. If you have imported a quote from Trigold and the documentation has not imported correctly (not opening/getting a file not found
TriGold Integration Guide
The following guide will walk you through the process of enabling TriGold to work within Google Chrome Introduction TriGold is not a cloud based solution and thus for the integration to work a setup file has to be installed on the device you wish to use O
Twenty7Tec Field Integrations
Inbound/Outbound data (System Defined) Section Fields Supported Client Title Client Forename Client Surname Client Email Client Sex Client Date of Birth Property Postcode LoanRequirement Term LoanRequirement Purchase Price LoanRequirement Mortgage Amount
Twenty7Tec Integration
eKeeper CRM Knowledge BaseGeneral Case ManagementTwenty7Tec Integration Getting Started with Twenty7Tec This guide will show you how to setup and use your Twenty7Tec and the integration with your finova CRM Integrating your Twenty7Tec login Source your Tw
Two Factor Authentication Re-Register process.
If the user enters the wrong code too many times, their account will be locked. In order to reset their two factor authentication, they will need to speak to a super user of the CRM and they will need to “Re-register” the 2FA under their user profile. Bel
UUInsure IntegrationUpdating Insurance Products for use with Solution Builder eKeeper CRM Knowledge BaseUpdating Insurance Products for use with Solution BuilderGeneral Case ManagementUpdating Insurance Products for use with Solution Builder Getting your Products ready to Import Quotes from Solution Builder When quotes are imported
Use Postcode Lookup for Address Fields within the Fact-Find
Introduction This guide will cover how you can create questions within the Fact-Find which utilise the Postcode Lookup feature, a convenient way to search, select & fill addresses. chrome_lxcdCvr82e.gif note NOTE Please ensure you have the following user
User Groups & Set Permissions
image2021-9-29_18-9-7.png Description Group Members Action Set Permissions For Blocked User(s) John Merle | Matthew Darlington Edit | Edit View Profile Letter Groups | Stages | Statuses | Products | Participants Normal User Matthew Harrison | Scott Newma
User Guide - Cashflows
The Cashflows integration allows you to take/request payments for fees. This feature is only available for fees that are due from customers. (i.e. you cannot request payments for fees due from a lender/provider) Prerequisites You will need an account with
User Permissions List
Contents Introduction This article provides a list of all the user permissions available in the eKeeper CRM and descriptions for what they change. Systems settings Permissions Purpose Comments/Help Can Edit Lenders/Providers Shows/hides the following lin
User Teams
eKeeper CRM Knowledge BaseSystem SettingsUser Teams How to Create New User Teams User teams are used to group users of a particular team or department together. You may wish to have all of your administrators under one team for example. Teams can be usef
Using Case Abandoned Reasons
Introduction When your product is not proceeding for any reason, finova CRM allows you to set a 'Case Abandoned Reason' against your product. This allows you to record a reason for the case not proceeding for accurate MI. Additionally when abandoning a ca
Using Chrome Extension
Whether you are editing a template or producing a document on a product, the process of using the extension is the same. For this guide we will be producing a document on a product Head to the Document History panel and click Produce Document image-202106
Using Search Views.
Introduction ‘Search Views' are simply the fields of information you’d like to see on your report. Set your criteria, then pick the search view which contains the fields of information you’d like to see from those results. This guide will describe how you
Using the finova Client Portal for Acknowledgements
Introduction: The system provides the ability to have key documents, acknowledged as being received/read by your applicant(s). The document will be stored against the applicant(s) product, with a copy on the Burrow portal. Location: Home / System Settings
Using the finova Client Portal for E-Sign
Introduction: The system provides the ability to have key documents, signed by your client electronically. The signed document will be saved within the product, and the document shared to client within the finova Client Portal Location: Home / System Sett
Using The Toolbox Integration
Introduction This guide will show a user how to integrate the finova CRM with Toolbox What Does The Toolbox Integration with finova CRM Do? This integration will allow you to continue to use your Finova CRM, with all its features and flexibility, and util
VView ProfileIntroduction A view profile controls which fields a user can see, and which fields a user can edit on a product. This provides you with the ability to also have a different view profile for each user group, for example you may want the adviser to edit a f
Viewing Your Existing Tickets
After logging in to the service desk you may want to review your existing tickets. To do this click on the “Requests” button, which appears in the navigation bar to the top right and then click “My Requests”. image-20201019-161559.png After clicking on “
WWebinarsfinova offers free to attend webinars to provide assistance to our users on the finova CRM system These webinars cover a variety of topics ran by our expert in house trainers Below you can sign up to future webinars as well watch a webinar that has alread
Welcome to Senro v4.0
Welcome to Senro v4.0 This user-guide covers many SENRO features that should immediately improve the efficiency and productivity of your business. We recommend you use this 'user-guide' in conjunction with our recommended training sessions incorporating t
When is the commission due?
Different commissions become due at different times as described below: Introduction This help guide will explain where you can find out when the commissions are due. Commissions payments can be triggered in the system to automatically become due at diffe
XXPlan MortgageIntroduction Xplan is a sourcing integration which can provide illustrations for mortgages or insurance products. System Permissions Navigate to the following system screen: Home > System Settings > Edit You User Under the Integration Setup panel, select
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ZZapier - API EndpointsPOST Create Mortgage Create a Case, Customer and Mortgage Product in eKeeper. Body customerForename Joan customerSurname Smith customerDateOfBirth 1948-08-15T00:00:00 customerPostCode AB12 3DC customerAddress 1 Lower Street customerEmail address@email.com
Zapier - Setup and Authorising eKeeper Account
Email Finova (eKeeper) Support to Request Invite Email broker.support@finova.tech mailto:broker.support@finova.tech to request our invite to the Zapier Integration. Finding EKeeper Once you have received and accepted the email invitation to use EKeeper wi
Zapier - Troubleshooting
This section details some of the problems that can arise when a user is creating a Zap within your Zapier account and possible solutions to them. In the below table is a list of all the fields that are mandatory or not this applies to both, mortgage and p
Zapier - Using a Trigger
How to create and use a Zapier Trigger By creating a trigger you able to setup a chain of events, using information from a product within EKeeper, to trigger certain action(s) against other Apps within Zapier. The triggers in EKeeper occur when a product
Zapier - Using an Action
An action is a request that Zapier sends to eKeeper to do something in the CRM. There are two types of action in Zapier, Create and Search. To use one of these actions in a Zap the user needs to create a Zap or edit an existing one. image-20210723-142102.
Zapier Integration
Introduction: The Zapier https://zapier.com service makes it possible to integrate two systems through the use of Triggers and Actions. For example adding a row to a Google Spreadsheet (trigger) can create a message in a Slack channel (action). Zapier use
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, multiple selections available,
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