Zapier - Setup and Authorising eKeeper Account

Zapier - Setup and Authorising eKeeper Account

Email Finova (eKeeper) Support to Request Invite

Email broker.support@finova.tech to request our invite to the Zapier Integration.


Finding EKeeper

Once you have received and accepted the email invitation to use EKeeper within Zapier, you will then be able to search for the app.

Step 1: Click on MY Apps on the left hand side menu

Step 2: Type 'ekeeper' in the search bar

Step 3: Click on the 'connect' button, against the eKeeper row.


When using Zapier to access eKeeper, the user account that is used to log in to eKeeper is the one that Zapier will then be authenticated as when using the trigger.

Because of this it is important that the user account used has the correct permissions to access the data used in the trigger.

You will then be asked to approve Zapier's request to access eKeeper. 


If Zapier has previously been authorised to access eKeeper via this process then the Authorise page will not be shown.

Next click Authorise to continue.

The account will now be listed in Zapier.

If they wish to do so, you can now edit the name of the connection so it is easier to identify if they are using multiple connections.

You can also click the Test button to confirm that the connection has been successfully created.

To proceed they should click Save + Continue.

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