Zapier - Troubleshooting

Zapier - Troubleshooting

This section details some of the problems that can arise when a user is creating a Zap within your Zapier account and possible solutions to them.

In the below table is a list of all the fields that are mandatory or not this applies to both, mortgage and protection type products.

Mandatory fields

FieldMandatory YES/NO
Product TypeYES
User Name


Initial StageYES
Customer ForenameYES
Customer SurnameYES
Customer DOBYES
Customer Postcode


Customer AddressYES
Loan Amount


Term (months)


Customer Email NO
Customer TelephoneYES (this is not shown as mandatory on Zapier, but the zap will fail if it is not filled)
Customer MobileNO
Action Notes NO
Action Note TypeYES
Lead SourceNo


Problem or error messageReason/Action
eKeeper not in available apps.Customer needs to be sent the invitation to use the eKeeper app.
I cannot see all of the product stages.

Customer needs to check the following:

  • Zapier will not display stages that are set to stage type 'Archive'
  • Zapier will only display the stages associated with the first product in the product group, where the type is 'Mortgage Type' and 'Protection Type'.
  • Customer may need to use the Zapier 'Refresh Fields' option to update the listing, following any chnages made within eKeeper:

Connecting to Account

Problem or error messageReason/Action
Invalid Client.

When connecting to your eKeeper account, if after entering their user name and password you are presented with a screen that contains the text Client authentication failed then notify the eKeeper Service Desk, as there might be an error in the Zapier row of the oauth_clients database table.

This can be caused by either the client ID or redirect URL in the table not matching the details in the integration settings.

Zapier could not connect to your account.

When connecting to your eKeeper account, if after entering their user name and password you are presented with a screen that contains the text Zapier could not connect to your account then please notify the eKeeper Service Desk, as there might be an error in the Zapier row of the oauth_clients database table. 

This can be caused by the client secret in the table not matching the details in the integration settings.

authentication failed: Got 401 calling POST <customer URL>/oauth/token, triggering auth refresh.

This error may be seen when testing the connection. If it does occur the text of the test button will change to Not Working...

...and clicking on see details will show a message similar to this.

This can be caused by two different issues.

The most likely is that the user's refresh token has been invalidated. This could be because it has expired before being used, or there has been an eKeeper update that has resulted in the encryption keys being changed.

Please therefore navigate to the My Apps section which lists all their connected apps.

Here you can click on Reconnect to repeat the authorisation process.

Should this not resolve the issue, please contact the Servive Desk, as there might be an error in the Zapier row of the oauth_clients database table. This could mean either the client ID or redirect URL in the table do not match the details in the integration settings.

Is the eKeeper domain correct?

Not a specific error message, but one to check if all else fails. Is you are using the correct eKeeper domain including the https:// part and without a trailing slash? For example if their URL is https://mycompany.keepersoftware.co.uk/php/DefaultPage.php, then please re-enter using https://mycompany.keepersoftware.co.uk.

Unfortunately Zapier does not provide a way to check this information.

The only option is to create a new connection to eKeeper and delete the one that is not working.

Accessing a Trigger or Action

Problem or error messageReason/Action
We’re having trouble loading ‘<trigger name>’ data...

When trying to set up the options within a trigger or action refreshing the data in a dynamic field results in an error.

This is caused by an authorisation failure.

Please use the My Apps page to test the connection and reconnect if necessary.

Sending an Action

Problem or error messageReason/Action
The app returned "500".

When sending an action to create a case in eKeeper, results in an error.

This normally means an issue with Zapier, click here to see their troubleshooting page.

The app returned "403".

When connecting Zapier with your eKeeper system, results in an error.

Please contact the EKeeper Service Desk, as your site may not yet be enabled for Zapier.

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