SMS Templates


How to create new SMS templates


Permissions Needed: View SMS Billing Enquiry, SMS Messages Sent, SMS Templates

  • Can maintain SMS Options - permission 288


Enable SMS for User


System Settings >> Users / ‘Edit Your Details’

To create a new SMS template click the 'New SMS Template' button in the navigation bar

System Settings >> SMS Templates

  • Name - This is the internal name for your SMS template (this is not recipient facing)

  • Sequence number - This determines the order in which this SMS template displays in the list

  • Stages - Here you can assign the SMS template to a particular stage in your workflow. 

  • Text Message - this is the content of the message template and is what will appear in the message when sent from a product.

  • Merge Field From - This is the area of the system that you wish to import information form e.g. the Applicant's name or lender name etc.

  • Page  - If you select a fact-find structure in the merge fields from field above then the Page dropdown field will be populated with pages from the selected fact-find structure. Changing this field will update the merge field list to the right.

Once you have finished click the 'save' button in the navigation bar to finish creating your new SMS template.