Participant Custom Fields
Participant Custom Fields
What are Participant Custom Fields?
When adding and editing a participant you may find you have extra information you want to store but nowhere to store it. eKeeper CRM allows you to create custom fields for this purpose.
How to add a new Participant Custom Field
Clicking on the Add a new custom field for Participants will bring you to the editing page where you can:
- Sequence Number: Choose the order in which the field appears
- Category Description: Choose the name of the field
- Prefix: If you would like to prefix the name/description of the field
- Active: Select whether the custom field is active or not
- Data Type: Select the type of data you wish the custom field to hold. e.g. Textfield, Dropdown box
- Merge Name: Give the custom field a merge name so that you may link to it in letter/email templates
- Mappings: Choose if you want the custom field to map with third party sourcing tools such as TriGold. Also select whether you would like the field to appear on the participants portal, and choose whether you would like an alternative name of the field to appear on the portal.
-List of Custom Fields
-Edit Custom Participant Fields