Head Office Details

Head Office Details

Viewing and Editing Head Office Details:-

  • Click on Management on the top navigation bar.
  • Click on Head Office on the lower navigation bar.

Each SENRO subscriber can store a single head office record. Each head office can have multiple branches, divisions and users. You can view or enter more information under head office details.

Operational Details

You can store information on the companies operational details such as Insurance Policies,

Membership Details, Licence Details and Agreement Details. This is optional and purely for

data capture and storage purposes.


If you are a single company operating from a single branch, then head office details may not be required. Refertothe 'Company Section' and manage your data from there. You do not need to configure Head Office data.

From the above screen, click 'Edit' or 'Add' to enter the details for Insurance Policies, Membership Details, Licence Details and Agreement Details.


For further information on 'Label Management', please refer to the 'Label.

Management' user guide.

For further information on 'Head Office Branches', please refer to the 'Head Office Branches' user guide.

Head Office Divisions

Divisions can be used to manage the relationships between Head Office divisions and Each company can be assigned to a division.


Head Office Branches are linked to Company Branches

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