Cancelling a Product and Commission Claw back

Cancelling a Product and Commission Claw back

As you move your product on through the different statuses, you will eventually notice that below the Commission Details link in the commission options panel a Cancel this product link will appear (figure 35). If your product cancels for any reason click Cancel this product to reflect this.

Figure 35 - Commission Options Panel (Cancel this product highlighted)

You will be presented with the following page, I have numbered each of the panels and will explain them below the figure 36.

Figure 36 - Cancellation/Lapse Details

  1. Product Details - This panel provides some information on the product you are looking to cancel.

  2. Cancellation Details - This panel allows you to enter some details regarding the cancellation such as the date and reason

  3. Update Status - This panel allows you to update the status of the product, If a clawback needs to be recorded, select Update the task status to "Clawed Back"

  4. Clawback Details - If you have already paid your participants and need to claw the item back then the details of the clawback amounts are calculated and displayed here.