I Cannot Login

I Cannot Login

Login Error

If you are seeing this 'Login Error' message, one of the following is happening:-

  • The Username is incorrect

  • The Password is incorrect

  • Your user profile is not Active

  • You user profile no longer holds a Licence against it

Check your username, as sometimes it is not always your email address, which browser auto complete often assumes incorrectly.

If you have a colleague that has the appropriate system permissions (normally called Super Users), ask them to check if your user is still Active and holds a Licence. 

Once they've confirmed this, they will be able to reset your Password for you, and confirm your Username if required.

To reset your eKeeper system password manually you will need to utilise the password reset functionality within your eKeeper system providing you have previously activated your security question. Further information on setting your security question can be found here.


What if you have yet to setup your password reset option?!

Please seek a a fellow user of your system, who has the permission to see the users option in the system settings page to reset your password.


Resetting your Password

Should you forget your password, select the 'reset your password' link 

Enter your email address


If you are unable to use the automated password reset function, then we would recommend speaking with a super users on your system (This would be someone with the ability to adjust system settings) and ask them to reset your password using the below steps.

System Settings > Users > Click 'Edit' on the user you want to reset > Click 'Update Password'

If they are unable to assist you in this manner or if you have no other super users then we can provide a manual password reset. This request will need to be submitted by someone named on the account (Practice Principle/Business Director).

Submit this request either by heading to the Service Desk or emailing support@ekeepergroup.co.uk




Please ensure the email address you have entered, matches with the email address set against your user profile, otherwise you will not receive the password reset email.


The field highlighted above, against your user profile drives the password reset email.

The email should arrive within 5 minutes.

Once received use the 'Reset your password' link.

Provide your security question answer

You will now see a screen where you can change your password.

If successful you will be redirected to your login page with a prompt advising of a successful reset.



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