Product Panels

Product Panels



eKeeper CRM displays application information in bite-size sections, known as Product Panels. These include panels such as Application Details, Product Details, Case Notes, Document History and Diary Entries. Many are self explanatory but we will also go into some of the features these panels contain.  

By the end of this guide you will have a good understanding of the different types of panels and the kind of information you can store on eKeeper CRM.  

Product Panels

-Product Panels

Want to personalise the position of your panels?

If you would like to learn how to customise the layout of your Product Panels and how to hide or expand them click here..

Application Details

 Click here to expand...

The Application Details panel is where you will find the basic application information such as the Application Reference, Property Address, case Advisor and Administrator.

-Application Details Panel

Panel Features:

  • Enter Fact-Find
  • View Advisor/Admnistrator history by clicking on "person" icon
  • Add a diary entry for the Advisor/Admninistrator by clicking on the "calendar" icon

Product Details

 Click here to expand...

The Product Details Panel is where you can record information regarding the mortgage application. Such as Valuation, Mortgage Amount, Lender and Product Details.

-Product Details Panel

Panel Features:

  • LTV automatically calculated
  • Lender information shown by hovering mouse over 'i' symbol
  • Quick link to lender website
  • Lender e-mail quick link

Diary Entries

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The Diary Entries panel will display all active diary entries for the product. Here you can add and edit your diary entries.

-Diary Entries Panel


 Click here to expand...

The Requirements panel is where you can upload/attach documentation such as customer ID verification. It's possible to filter this information for easy viewing. You can Add/Edit requirements as necessary.

-Requirements Panel

Some requirements will only show when an applicant has been selected, or a Lender has been added.

Attached Files

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The Attached Files Panel is where you can easily view and access files that have been uploaded to the application. Like the Requirements panel you can upload any documents here that relate to the application.

-Attached Files panel

Want to add a file to the case but it doesn't fit any in the Requirements? You can upload them via the Attached Files Panel.

Commission Options

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The Commission Options panel is where you can manage the fees for the application.

-Commission Options


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TheParticipantspanel records any party/person that has been apart of this product. The panel displays contact information, if they are due commission and also the commission amount.

-Participants Panel

Further Details

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The Further Details panel can be completely customised. Here you can add/remove fields, change the type of field, divide the panel into different sections with their own headings and informative text.

-Further Details Panel

To edit/add/remove fields navigate to System Settings > Custom Fields

-Custom Fields Editor

Sequence number refers to the ordering that the fields display.

In order for your new fields to display in a case, you must enable them via System Settings > Products then click Custom Fields against a product.

This allows you to define fields for specific products, and further tailors eKeeper CRM to your needs.

-How to enable your custom fields in Product editor

Stage History

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The Stage History panel displays when a product has moved stages, detailing the date & time, the stage it was moved to, and which user made the change.

-Stage History Panel

Document History

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The Document History panel is where all the documentation produced for the case, is stored. If you send an email or produce a letter, you can find it here.

This panel allows you to view old emails and any attachments, edit and create new documents and emails.

-Document History panel

Simple Tasks

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The Simple Tasks panel allows you to store a list of rules or outstanding tasks to be completed for each product. The system can also be restricted to suspend a product from moving farther down the work flow until certain simple tasks have been completed.

-Simple Tasks panel

Case Notes

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The Case Notes panel, also sometimes named Action History Notes, allows for the creation of notes and stores them against the corresponding product. Notes can be used to record any information, from contact made with customer to the recording of meeting discussions or other credible information that should be stored on the product.

-Case Notes Panel

eKeeper CRM allows the option of changing the name of the Case Notes Panel. To learn how to do this

 click here to expand...

Navigate to System Settings > Global Settings

-Case Notes Global Settings

As well as being able to re-name the panel, here you can also select the maximum number of characters an entry can contain, and the number of rows displayed by the panel. 

Any changes made here affect how Case Notes behave on the entire CRM.

To increase readability, each action note has a basic description such as E-Mail Sent or Phone Call Made. These are selected when creating a new note, and you can choose to add or remove descriptions to suite your needs. To do this navigate to System Settings > Action List