Optimus Text User Guide

Optimus Text User Guide

Please navigate to System Settings / Global Settings (subject to user permissions)

Update each user in your system that requires the Optimus functionality.

Please navigate to a case and product.

Ensure the following minimum details are entered:

  • Security Address

  • Postcode (must contain a space e.g. “BS22 7XX”)

  • Country

  • Mortgage Valuation

  • Mortgage Lender

Now save those details using the following save button, at the bottom of your screen:

Next, using the following export button, at the bottom of your screen:

Followed by selecting the Optimus option:


Make sure you click the ‘Save Quote’ button.

Your quotation will be stored within the ‘Product Details’ panel.

Make sure you place a tick within the ‘Show’ option against ‘Conveyancing Details’.

Click on the green INSTRUCT button, against the chosen quotation.

By selecting the VIEW option against a quote, you will be able to see the following information:




Within the details window, the system provides you with a list of the key milestones the conveyancing process will go through:

These are Synchronised automatically for you.

Each time the Conveyancer updates a milestone, the system will capture the date this was actioned, along with updating the status from a red cross to a green tick.

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